Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 587241111274258442
Linda Collins Smith was set to testify against the Clintons this week? Omg!!!
what another to the clinton body count ?
damn the list is growing ... i wonder will this end when the clintons are dead them self ? or will chelsea continue the legacy ?
@Rabbithole welcome 😄
Is everything NASA creates useless ... they invented/ developed lots of things which seem to be benefitting the Earth
Mike at least give me an explanation
instead of reacting
**Question of the Day #105**
Did the CIA orchestrate and fake the death of Osama Bin Laden?
Tell us what you think in the <#484514023698726912> 😃
The arth is flat.
Everythin is possible imo The Gwench
hello :)
The earth is flat.
>>ban @Deleted User posting porn
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully banned <@587113900969820161>
Good morning Gwench
Morning. 😃
We need some holy water clean this chat room
The earth is flat.
<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **TheCookie**, this command is disabled in this channel
The earth is flat.
I would not put anything past the CIA Gwen
The earth is flat.
Yes, it is Cookie.
The earth is flat.
the earth is flat because if you walked far enough you would fall off
I mean
im just trying to rank up
Say stuffs
I think I have actually seen a meme just like that, lol.
@The Gwench can I be unmuted