Message from @renee

Discord ID: 588108152315183124

2019-06-11 20:48:53 UTC  

And with that they can grew veeeeeery big

2019-06-11 20:48:57 UTC  

they never move the camera. they always cut the footage. its always at the same angle. you all know this. enjoy the minimum wage they give you

2019-06-11 20:49:25 UTC  

Sure. But this is not so easy

2019-06-11 20:49:36 UTC  

@ZeroT no I mean they can't take in as much CO2 and just stop at a certain point

2019-06-11 20:49:48 UTC  

Don't waste your time on @Pwnelius
He doesn't look at anything he is presented. He is just a time-wasting troll.

Trying to find it, one sec.

2019-06-11 20:49:59 UTC  

“They never move the camera”. Yeah, I call bs

2019-06-11 20:50:19 UTC  
2019-06-11 20:50:23 UTC  

I know that lol

2019-06-11 20:50:24 UTC  

all 3 of them are shills. telling you, i’ve spent a lot of time studying them

2019-06-11 20:50:25 UTC  

btw why would all governments and space agencies lie about the world being a globe and how do they mange to fool all the workers in each company... there and tens if not hundreds of thousands of workers

2019-06-11 20:50:45 UTC  

THere the consensus is 97,7 %

2019-06-11 20:51:05 UTC  

What was meant was, the camera has never done a 360 degree rotation (until recently after people were complaining that they never did)

2019-06-11 20:51:18 UTC  

they don't need to try fool hundreds of thousands.. those people are already fooled from birth

2019-06-11 20:51:19 UTC  

Its even higher in other documents from a german institute that analized OVER 2000 papers to build a consensus

2019-06-11 20:51:32 UTC  

I mean the Manhattan Project was a much smaller operation and that wasn't kept a secret

2019-06-11 20:51:34 UTC  

its at 99,2% now

2019-06-11 20:51:44 UTC  

where can i see the rotation

2019-06-11 20:51:48 UTC  

It only takes one

2019-06-11 20:51:50 UTC  

i would want to see that

2019-06-11 20:51:57 UTC  


2019-06-11 20:52:10 UTC  

same troll BS

2019-06-11 20:52:13 UTC  

It would cost SOOOOOOO much to hide all conspiracies you belive

2019-06-11 20:52:14 UTC  

carlito but it would be extremely hard to hide ... why would they want to hide something like that

2019-06-11 20:52:22 UTC  

🙄 just ignore them, i’m telling you. save yourself a lot of stress, catch you later, love you guys, just want to make sure you remain calm. you’re doing God’s work, that’s why I’m here, to remind you to relax. they will always send people like this, you must learn to see it and react accordingly

2019-06-11 20:52:27 UTC  

what good would it cause

2019-06-11 20:52:42 UTC  

All astronauts, scientists even NASAS JANITOR would need to be paid obsurd amounts of money

2019-06-11 20:52:46 UTC  

compartmentalizations works
need to know
its white collar wellare
and people don't want to lose their jobs

2019-06-11 20:52:48 UTC  

then, when these people go into these fields, it's all compartmentalized to the point where they never see the entire picture, neither do they question the material they've absorbed

2019-06-11 20:53:01 UTC  

lies built up upon other lies

2019-06-11 20:53:33 UTC  

a designer working on a small part for an assembly isn't told that its all a fraud

2019-06-11 20:53:33 UTC  

Look, there is a psychological study on conspiracy theorists

2019-06-11 20:53:52 UTC  

but every government why i see no advantage into hiding the earth is flat ... the material they have absorbed they see proof they make sense of it and understand it

2019-06-11 20:53:57 UTC  

A reason why you belive it all is because you make up a system

2019-06-11 20:54:09 UTC  

A system that doesn't work at the beginning

2019-06-11 20:54:10 UTC

2019-06-11 20:54:15 UTC  

But the more we question you

2019-06-11 20:54:21 UTC  

The stronger you will belive

2019-06-11 20:54:22 UTC  

just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't so

2019-06-11 20:54:33 UTC  

Because you make up your own valid point in your system