Message from @Koenientz
Discord ID: 588991546049691648
Hitler is a good person you just need to know him
That video might not , but there are others that do.. it'd make sense to vilify Hitler if he was trying to bring down the NWO banking cartel but that's just my opinion @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄
@Brian (Fourth Amendment) It's a $250K EPA permit required before you go to Antarctica ?
@Koenientz hi
Its absurd I dont know the precise amount, but its beyond ludicrous
Yeah, all in the name of 'environment protection' 😃
who is knowledgeable about the Antarctic Treaty ? Isn't this the "the Ice Wall" server after all ?
As if they give 2 hoots about the environment
Anyone interested on viewing an interactive map on real time ?
@carlito If that video is true, (and I don't put it passed these rich, scummy bastards) then he's far worse than anyone thought. It meant everything good he may have cloaked his evil shit with, was just as fake as he was.
@🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 weren't you on the FE server at some point and time ?
i hear you,, unless they cloned him.. or brainwashed him into another mindset ,, wouldn't put it passed them. . how about they found a good look alike and placed him there for future conspiracy theorists to converse on hmm @🍄The Mad Philosopher🍄 right now almost anything is on the table
Apollo 1. A Human sacrifice
It's no wonder they blew him up ^^
@Koenientz 24/7 Flat Earth server?
Yes, I used to be a mod, there.
too toxic ?
tiresome ?
You could say that
but what happened ?
only you can say that
So it's more relaxed here in general
Tyrannical dictator of a Admin
who ?
The one who calls herself, "Queen"
That's all I'll say
That bird you mean ?
anyroad. I've been building an interactive map
want to take a peek ?
how does it work? @Koenientz
@carlito you navigate the map by clicking the white orbs/ circles to expand/ collapse subtopic tree style if any
okay thanks will check it out
What's the price of a mile?