Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 589539003183792309

2019-06-15 19:24:10 UTC  

wow thats crazy

2019-06-15 19:24:48 UTC  

My country is getting turned into a multicultural shithole

2019-06-15 19:25:19 UTC  

Got FB ban for using the now off limits word k_ll. Evidently saying not to do that is a bannable offense.

2019-06-15 19:25:33 UTC  

yes no more the National culture... mixed multiculture is ruining nation states

2019-06-15 19:26:17 UTC  

you tube is beginning to be a platform of "disinfo" by limiting the content of what we can view

2019-06-15 19:26:50 UTC  

Im scared about the "white guilt" and political correctness, im scared for the future of the nordic nations.

2019-06-15 19:26:55 UTC  

I have no problem with any race. The problem I have is with political unions calling themselves a religion then demanding freedom of religion which really means we demand you join our political union.

2019-06-15 19:27:33 UTC  

They do all they can to divide us.

2019-06-15 19:28:18 UTC  

i disagree with the process of watering down a culture because of immigration policies so lenient.. then they take over the local populous

2019-06-15 19:28:31 UTC  

muslims are invading our country, sweden has already gone to hell and has become a 3rd world shithole, Denmark just elected a leftist government, we are screwed now because they are going the same direction.

2019-06-15 19:29:39 UTC  

I mean they are pretending they arent invading but fleeing war, well why did they skip the first 10 peaceful nations they came across if they were just fleeing the war?

2019-06-15 19:29:44 UTC  

Yes a country should be able to protect itself and say what it was. Forced immigration should be illegal. Asylum should be decided country by country. The only option you should have is going to the closest safe country.

2019-06-15 19:30:41 UTC  

Apparently this server censors the world s**t...

2019-06-15 19:30:45 UTC  


2019-06-15 19:32:11 UTC  

Yes a country should be able to protect itself and say what it was. Forced immigration should be illegal. Asylum should be decided country by country. The only option you should have is going to the closest safe country. No further.

2019-06-15 19:32:36 UTC  

Then you should wait and go back. When it becomes safe.

2019-06-15 19:34:50 UTC  

There is a video of this political union, who falsely calls itself a religion, and their plan to make the entire earth part of their political union. Looks to me like it will work within 30 years. Although a few countries might avoid it. Russia and China for sure. The other part of the plan is to get people to have very few children so they just go away with time.

2019-06-15 19:35:16 UTC  

Are you talking about Islam?

2019-06-15 19:35:50 UTC  

Yes it is really a political union. It only uses religion as a way to fool people so they can be conquered.

2019-06-15 19:36:39 UTC  

Also fool people so those in charge can be dictators and the people have no power whatsoever.

2019-06-15 19:37:31 UTC  

Religions allow other faiths to exist. Islam does not do that.

2019-06-15 19:38:35 UTC  

Islam is the worst piece of **** religion in existence, the secular people and peaceful religious people need to protect themselves against this psychological weapon.

2019-06-15 19:39:11 UTC  

If you read the laws muslims must live by then you will realize its totalitarian and very barbarian and primitive.

2019-06-15 19:43:42 UTC

2019-06-15 19:44:13 UTC  

Yes very aware of. Horrid to women and children. It compares them to fields to be plowed. No woman or child is safe.

2019-06-15 19:45:47 UTC  

The question arises... What do we do? Enlighten people on the dangers of this psychological weapon? I've tried but they will just call you racist, even though Islam is not a race.

2019-06-15 19:47:45 UTC  

Or Islamophobic when they are a real threat and it is no phobia to be afraid of them. They are really saying we are superior to you and you are our slaves and you have no rights at all.

2019-06-15 19:48:32 UTC  

@EzkealSutekh the country they live in is dangerous not the religion itself

2019-06-15 19:48:37 UTC  

What Islamic Law says. Only Islam has any rights. All others are just our slaves.

2019-06-15 19:48:56 UTC  

The religion itself doesn't tell them to be marykiks

2019-06-15 19:49:22 UTC  

Yes it does. The original prophet did so and said do as I do.

2019-06-15 19:49:36 UTC  

Except they were limited to four wives and he had no limit.

2019-06-15 19:49:44 UTC  

The religion is dangerous when it literally tells you to do horrible things.

2019-06-15 19:50:27 UTC  

He married a six year old and consummated it at nine years old.

2019-06-15 19:50:29 UTC  

Islam perpetuates the reproduction of negative social heritage and inhibits social mobility, it encourages barbaric ways of living.

2019-06-15 19:51:56 UTC  

A woman never becomes an adult. They are just children and if they do not have a live father then someone else will own them. Even a child can own his mother. If a woman has a job and is not married her father gets her paychecks and she has no say on how it is spent.

2019-06-15 19:52:47 UTC  

She also has little if any say on who will marry her.

2019-06-15 19:53:46 UTC  

It makes my blood boil... that so many choose to look away from this, how can one be a part of this knowing that the manifest of the religion has all this nonesense written into it

2019-06-15 19:54:50 UTC  

They simply feel good there when indoctrinated into it. They are only told the positive aspects of it and what punishment they will get after they die is they question it.

2019-06-15 19:57:12 UTC  

They are promised a free trip to Mecca, they will get it. This might be why some like it.

2019-06-15 20:01:07 UTC  

@EzkealSutekh You're Norwegian?