Message from @Human Sheeple

Discord ID: 592548392895250442

2019-06-24 02:41:01 UTC  


2019-06-24 02:43:09 UTC  

Because that'd be boring

2019-06-24 02:43:59 UTC  

its a test, and also a story, gotta give the angels something good to watch. some of them cant resist how fun it looks so they fall down to take part in our little stage

2019-06-24 02:44:05 UTC  

Because they're both immortal Elohim

2019-06-24 02:44:11 UTC  

So God imprisoned him in Sheol

2019-06-24 02:45:41 UTC  

Immortality trumps all powerful being okay

2019-06-24 02:46:49 UTC  

God is allowing him to do his thing, so he can sort out those who obey because they have what they want, and those who obey regardless because they have true loyalty

2019-06-24 02:49:42 UTC  

thats not true loyalty, that doesn’t prove anything. God is making a point, and in the process he’s also creating a much more interesting story. Lucifer says “i can turn them all against you” and God says “no you can’t watch. there will always be those who resist, and they’re going to prove you wrong by themselves”

2019-06-24 02:50:06 UTC  

would you watch a movie or read a book with no conflict? no tension? no antagonist?

2019-06-24 02:50:30 UTC  

@Morning Dew My children do all the time

2019-06-24 02:50:33 UTC  

its a court case

2019-06-24 02:51:03 UTC  

lucifer is the prosecutor of mankind, Jesus is the public defender

2019-06-24 02:52:01 UTC  

lucifer was a fun game

2019-06-24 02:52:41 UTC  

nobody can say God isn’t fair, nobody can say he didn’t give evil a fair chance, all who earn salvation will have earned it, all who fail will have earned it. He is justice incarnate, he’s not going to stack the deck in his favor

2019-06-24 02:54:04 UTC  

Here's the ultimate dilemma, some people commit evil by thinking they are doing good

2019-06-24 02:54:08 UTC  

the “gods” are lucifer and his fallen angels, and Lucifer is the head god of every culture’s pantheon

2019-06-24 02:54:15 UTC  

Doctors injected aborted fetal tissue, believing they are saving lives.

2019-06-24 02:54:34 UTC  

Lawyers giving people plea deals and only sending their clients to jail for 3 years instead of a possible 10.

2019-06-24 02:54:54 UTC  

Soldiers defeating the enemy in war, shooting dead thousands believing they are spreading democracy.

2019-06-24 02:55:21 UTC  

Engineers installing antenna believing they are improving communications whilst they build cancer causing microwave emmitters.

2019-06-24 02:55:45 UTC  

Police Officers believing they are maintaining law and order whilst they beat a black man to death in the street.

2019-06-24 02:56:14 UTC  

Freemasons giving to charity, whilst those same charities perform street historectomies on women in India leaving them bleeding in the street unable to have any children.

2019-06-24 02:56:48 UTC  

Teachers thinking they are educating children whilst they brainwash them into being good obedient grunts of the Jew World Order

2019-06-24 02:57:57 UTC  

i think if you’re unaware of the evil you’re committing, you’re not culpable for your actions. nobody can see the ends of their actions, what matters to God , in my opinion, is the intentions, and the loyalty.

2019-06-24 02:58:52 UTC  

if you think you’re doing something for God, and not for yourself, God knows you can’t control all the dominoes. he does evil through good and good through evil, its the whole “mysterious ways” idea

2019-06-24 02:59:15 UTC  

The main goal of the freemasonic elite is to make people think that God is evil or the devil is good.

2019-06-24 02:59:21 UTC

2019-06-24 03:01:26 UTC  

@Morning Dew Eric Dubay's comment on this :
"This makes perfect sense to me, unlike the wholly benevolent and good Creator presented to us by most every religion "

2019-06-24 03:03:49 UTC

2019-06-24 03:05:53 UTC

2019-06-24 03:06:27 UTC  


2019-06-24 03:07:36 UTC  

You see how stupid that looks right?

2019-06-24 03:07:48 UTC  


2019-06-24 03:07:59 UTC  

It looks very exaggerated

2019-06-24 03:09:01 UTC  


2019-06-24 03:09:21 UTC

2019-06-24 03:10:27 UTC  

Soooo that proves the earth is flat

2019-06-24 03:10:30 UTC  

That's their standard refraction model for 123 miles

Well the blue is the earth. The red is the path light takes in their standard refraction model
So anything on the earth at the blue will be elevated to the red
by refraction
So that is the standard 7/6 R

If your at 1000 miles altitude I guess you can see the other side lol

Here's the thing. Actual experiments show refraction varies from 20X to - 20X
On the other hand, our empirical results show that the
refraction coefficient k may reach magnitudes as large as +12 to +16 over grassland at 1.8 m. This clearly
exceeds previously published ‘extreme values’ (e.g., maximum values of k = +6 at 1.5 m height over grassland,
cf. Hübner [1977]). We acknowledge that surface types like ice or water may even produce larger refraction
effects, as described in section 2.

As you can see from what I just posted , they measured what would be radius that would be 16 times larger than the earth radius
They think k they model refraction ,.In fact they model the deviation from from the globe radius.
They don't measure the refractive index of the air. the impute it from the deviation of an expected value
of course. Their model follows earths curve perfectly
think about how nonsensical that is. exactly equals the curve of the earth...idiocy...

2019-06-24 03:10:51 UTC