Message from @Ɩ0‾lǝᴉuɐp

Discord ID: 592958059291344907

2019-06-25 05:53:37 UTC  

!mute @Atlas204 trolling

2019-06-25 05:53:38 UTC  

2019-06-25 05:56:48 UTC  

@TheRealGamingGeek thanks for making excuses for NASA. Of course they’ve had, according to them, dozens of opportunities to take a picture of the Earth on their supposed apollo missions and explorer vessels, but of course they conveniently never did, except for a single photo which has been proven fake, along with the moon landings. thank you for copy and pasting information from somebody else into the discord, you’re not convincing anyone.

2019-06-25 05:57:33 UTC  

and besides, the continents are literally different sizes, but keep making excuses

2019-06-25 05:58:11 UTC  

Says the one showing information from what looks like your own computer editing software. At least my information doesn't have Illuminati triangles pasted on it and comes from viable sources

2019-06-25 05:59:49 UTC  

yeah ok then, keep making excuses, and while you’re at it, explain why i can see hundreds of miles over your curve, and before you say refraction, realize that we have emphatically proven that light refracts in the opposite direction, making that quite impossible

2019-06-25 06:00:55 UTC  

i’ll give you time to refer to the authorities you religiously trust

2019-06-25 06:01:11 UTC  

Earth looks awful small when seen from the moon.

2019-06-25 06:01:34 UTC  

For comparison

2019-06-25 06:01:34 UTC  

Might I say again the earth is huge. Its circumference is 24,901 miles. 275 miles or 15km isn't squat compared to that so no. There will be no noticeable difference.

2019-06-25 06:01:49 UTC  

just saying gaming

2019-06-25 06:02:01 UTC  

I would expect the earth to dominate the photo

2019-06-25 06:02:06 UTC  

You weren't part of this. This is for Dew and I

2019-06-25 06:02:25 UTC  

guys this is an open discussion.

2019-06-25 06:02:27 UTC  

I made myself part of it

2019-06-25 06:02:32 UTC  


2019-06-25 06:02:33 UTC  

Now answer the question

2019-06-25 06:02:44 UTC  

that picture takes into account the fact that the earth is 24,901 miles according to your math. i ask again, according to your own math, how can i see over the curve?

2019-06-25 06:03:32 UTC  

earth is round guys

2019-06-25 06:03:35 UTC  

accept it

2019-06-25 06:03:37 UTC  


2019-06-25 06:04:54 UTC  

another team of shills come to lose debates. 1 to fail, and 3 to claim the failure is winning

2019-06-25 06:05:17 UTC  

also the earth is 400,000km or 238,900 miles away from the moon. So no the earth wouldn't dominate the picture because the distance is so unbelievable large. To give you an idea of how large this distance is Light the fastest thing in the universe moves at a pace of 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second). It still takes light 1.3 seconds. Sound like not alot. Well it is. In that time the light has move the entire distance of 400,000km or 238,900 miles.

2019-06-25 06:05:30 UTC  

you are avoiding the question

2019-06-25 06:05:36 UTC  

how do i see over the curve?

2019-06-25 06:05:41 UTC  

@Morning Dew hey why don't you shut up and let gaming geekmsay what he has to say before assuming hes just losing

2019-06-25 06:05:47 UTC  

you are spamming irrelevant information

2019-06-25 06:05:49 UTC  

You don't see over it

2019-06-25 06:06:05 UTC  

And no I answered Fourth amendments question

2019-06-25 06:06:07 UTC  

i just showed you 5 different images of seeing over the curve

2019-06-25 06:06:12 UTC  

so not irrelevant

2019-06-25 06:06:42 UTC  

and I already debunked two of them because the distance the object was seen from was insignificant compared to the circumference of the earth

2019-06-25 06:06:47 UTC  

you are ignoring the question, spamming irrelevant factoids, and your two shill buddies are only here to virtue signal. i can see a shill raid from a mile away

2019-06-25 06:07:09 UTC  

please I don't know who qjaxz is

2019-06-25 06:07:16 UTC  

Your answer make no sense mate based on how big the earth is relative to the moon . Secondly its the same DISTANCE from earth to the moon and yet the moon appears larger???

2019-06-25 06:07:19 UTC  

it is not insignificant. according to your own math, those landmarks are below the curve you believe in

2019-06-25 06:08:02 UTC  

Done with schills

2019-06-25 06:08:05 UTC  

all yours dew

2019-06-25 06:09:22 UTC  

The answer is a paycheck dew

2019-06-25 06:10:45 UTC  

the math has accounted for the curvature of the earth, and emphatically proves that i am seeing over it. i know you don’t understand, because you are regurgitating information from a handler, but you’re not convincing anyone with this little raid

2019-06-25 06:11:07 UTC  

Too answer your question first Brian. the moon isn't on a fixed orbit. Hence it appears bigger some seasons. its similar (on a much smaller scale) to how pluto orbits the sun on a uneven orbit sometimes being the 9th body orbiting the sun sometimes the 8th. so no the moon isn't always the same size. Also the pictures shown by you are actually enhanced and zoomed so the Earth will naturally appear bigger. I can tell its zoomed by the way because the surface of the moon is rather blurred and pixilated in places.