Message from @Tejiu The Gecko

Discord ID: 592994697245491210

2019-06-25 08:19:07 UTC  

I did not even have to show you those frankly I did it to be transparent and fair

2019-06-25 08:19:07 UTC  


2019-06-25 08:19:20 UTC  

Then you accused me of owning a phone

2019-06-25 08:19:31 UTC  

I mean what do you take me for, you think I cook my children with 5G?

2019-06-25 08:19:40 UTC  

@The Gwench why'd you mute him? Because he had proof?

2019-06-25 08:19:42 UTC  

You guys do whatever you want. Don’t forget to remove his verified and give him new member. I’m going back to bed.

2019-06-25 08:19:52 UTC  

K idc

2019-06-25 08:19:55 UTC  

Yes ma'am

2019-06-25 08:19:57 UTC  
2019-06-25 08:19:58 UTC  

2019-06-25 08:19:58 UTC  


2019-06-25 08:20:00 UTC  

Prolly because you woke her up over a BS reason

2019-06-25 08:20:09 UTC  

and accused one of her mods of abusing his power

2019-06-25 08:20:16 UTC  

She tends to take that real serious

2019-06-25 08:21:57 UTC  

Why do Gwench not have the cute cat pfp anymore

2019-06-25 08:22:04 UTC  

I loved that pfp

2019-06-25 08:27:46 UTC  

I need to remember to buy stuff for the giant ice cream cookie today lol
Thinking of making it the size of a dinner plate and then have cookie sized ones around it

2019-06-25 08:28:20 UTC  

Gwench is trying to sleep let her be, lol.

2019-06-25 08:28:27 UTC  

It's better that way

2019-06-25 08:28:29 UTC  


2019-06-25 08:29:13 UTC  

I didn’t mean to disrupt her
I just loved her last pfp with the cute cat lol

2019-06-25 08:30:10 UTC  

Just go back to sleep nothing is going on anymore

2019-06-25 08:31:37 UTC  

Fun fact there is a species “not a true spider” but close enough that can fly
Sleep better now XD

2019-06-25 08:33:34 UTC  

And a lot of other species of spiders can use their silk to glide through the air over very long distances

2019-06-25 08:42:57 UTC  

**Question Of The Day #120**

Should the use of pesticides and fungicides be banned in order to save the bees?

Tell us your thoughts in the <#484514023698726912> 😃

2019-06-25 08:44:03 UTC  

Yes or at least regulated heavy on

2019-06-25 08:44:23 UTC  

If we do that @The Gwench We risk massive crop blights or parasite epidemics causing mass hunger. An organic, cheaper solution needs to be ready prior to such a ban. I.e. in Cyprus we have discovered an effective organic pesticide using jalapino pepper extract.

2019-06-25 08:44:35 UTC  

If the bees go so do we.....thankfully we have GOD and he is not about to let man destroy his creation.

2019-06-25 08:44:40 UTC  


2019-06-25 08:44:46 UTC  

We don’t even use any of those in out garden and we do just fine

2019-06-25 08:44:52 UTC  

I heard the British have found a way to do it with Spider Venom!!!

2019-06-25 08:45:17 UTC  

If Aphids is a problem buy a dozen ladybugs

2019-06-25 08:45:38 UTC  

They eat them like candy

2019-06-25 08:46:45 UTC  

I know a lot of you here are against gmo’s but some are trying to develop plants that is more resistant to both diseases and pest which could help a lot

2019-06-25 08:46:46 UTC  


2019-06-25 08:46:52 UTC  

Good shout @Tejiu The Gecko

2019-06-25 08:48:04 UTC  

And it is cheaper to plant more resistant plants than spray them all with basically poison

2019-06-25 08:48:52 UTC  

If you don’t wanna go on the gmo route you could keep continuously breed the plants to be more resistant

2019-06-25 08:49:03 UTC  

Take a lot longer but that is a option

2019-06-25 08:49:40 UTC  

There is other options than using pesticides
A lot of that nasty stuff is even harmful to humans

2019-06-25 08:50:06 UTC  

Thanks I guess lol