Message from @rightthehand
Discord ID: 594865628804939776
and the two foam plates is repulsion of magnets
ooh, I know this
very cold metals show magnetic properties
mostly repulsion tho
@MASTER CHEF what happens to the magnetifc properties fo metal when it gets hot?
super conductors are fun to play with
whats the core?
@rightthehand What happens to the magnetic properties of photons when they get hot?
idrk but a magnet loses its magnetic properties when it's too hot
photns are fake in my world view
So what is the nature of the propagation of light?
matter being erergized
you dont see light you see matter
energized by what?
it's waves and particle both. it's complicated
a specfific frequncy that makes the matter glow
Einstein made physics difficult with his theory of general relativity
he waas a shill
@MASTER CHEF So where does the force come from when a photon leaves a more refractive medium and goes to a less refractive medium, what forces the light to travel faster?
it like the pressure nozzle
when the energy gets to the less dense medium it can speed up
the resistance provided by the particles in the medium slow down light, but light gets faster in medium with less resistance
it's like a car in traffic
or maybe it works the other way for energy
See I think photons are paticles, they have magnetic fields that can get stronger or weaker with respect to temperature
will be slow in high traffic but fast in low traffic
Electrons move more quickly when it's cold
But photons move more slowly
whats changing its speed though?
The aether
so a medium
whats the aether?
@rightthehand a mc mod
A medium of energy, not matter consisting of dielectricity, magnetism in a vibrational state
Its my favorite mod actually