Message from @MASTER CHEF

Discord ID: 594865986436464659

2019-06-30 12:22:07 UTC  

whats the core?

2019-06-30 12:22:19 UTC  

@rightthehand What happens to the magnetic properties of photons when they get hot?

2019-06-30 12:22:32 UTC  

idrk but a magnet loses its magnetic properties when it's too hot

2019-06-30 12:22:34 UTC  

photns are fake in my world view

2019-06-30 12:22:57 UTC  

So what is the nature of the propagation of light?

2019-06-30 12:23:06 UTC  

matter being erergized

2019-06-30 12:23:12 UTC  

you dont see light you see matter

2019-06-30 12:23:15 UTC  

energized by what?

2019-06-30 12:23:17 UTC  

it's waves and particle both. it's complicated

2019-06-30 12:23:33 UTC  

a specfific frequncy that makes the matter glow

2019-06-30 12:23:37 UTC  

its nither

2019-06-30 12:23:49 UTC  

Einstein made physics difficult with his theory of general relativity

2019-06-30 12:23:53 UTC  

he waas a shill

2019-06-30 12:23:59 UTC  

@MASTER CHEF So where does the force come from when a photon leaves a more refractive medium and goes to a less refractive medium, what forces the light to travel faster?

2019-06-30 12:24:15 UTC  

it like the pressure nozzle

2019-06-30 12:24:33 UTC  

when the energy gets to the less dense medium it can speed up

2019-06-30 12:24:45 UTC  

the resistance provided by the particles in the medium slow down light, but light gets faster in medium with less resistance

2019-06-30 12:24:51 UTC  

it's like a car in traffic

2019-06-30 12:24:52 UTC  

or maybe it works the other way for energy

2019-06-30 12:24:58 UTC  

See I think photons are paticles, they have magnetic fields that can get stronger or weaker with respect to temperature

2019-06-30 12:25:03 UTC  

will be slow in high traffic but fast in low traffic

2019-06-30 12:25:19 UTC  

Electrons move more quickly when it's cold

2019-06-30 12:25:22 UTC  

But photons move more slowly

2019-06-30 12:25:23 UTC  

whats changing its speed though?

2019-06-30 12:25:30 UTC  

The aether

2019-06-30 12:25:37 UTC  

so a medium

2019-06-30 12:25:40 UTC  


2019-06-30 12:25:50 UTC  

whats the aether?

2019-06-30 12:25:55 UTC  

@rightthehand a mc mod

2019-06-30 12:26:08 UTC  

A medium of energy, not matter consisting of dielectricity, magnetism in a vibrational state

2019-06-30 12:26:10 UTC  

Its my favorite mod actually

2019-06-30 12:26:28 UTC  

If u wanna play on my mc server we have that mod on it

2019-06-30 12:26:28 UTC  

the aether isn't real

2019-06-30 12:26:37 UTC  

so a filed of magntism

2019-06-30 12:26:37 UTC  

many experiment show there is no aether

2019-06-30 12:26:39 UTC  

It's non material, but it's real

2019-06-30 12:26:52 UTC  

a magnetic force?

2019-06-30 12:27:06 UTC

2019-06-30 12:27:23 UTC  

It got buried because it contradicted Jesuit Heliocentrist doma

2019-06-30 12:27:24 UTC  
