Message from @MASTER CHEF
Discord ID: 594864946081431553
Aluminium is not ferromagnetic
magnetic effect of static electricity
it's a big Field of physics too
coulomb's law
that plate is ferromagnetic
static again
altering the weight of the scales
it's just foam
no, the latest gif you sent
the weight plate
yep static again
and the two foam plates is repulsion of magnets
ooh, I know this
very cold metals show magnetic properties
mostly repulsion tho
@MASTER CHEF what happens to the magnetifc properties fo metal when it gets hot?
super conductors are fun to play with
whats the core?
@rightthehand What happens to the magnetic properties of photons when they get hot?
idrk but a magnet loses its magnetic properties when it's too hot
photns are fake in my world view
So what is the nature of the propagation of light?
matter being erergized
you dont see light you see matter
energized by what?
it's waves and particle both. it's complicated
a specfific frequncy that makes the matter glow
its nither
Einstein made physics difficult with his theory of general relativity
he waas a shill