Message from @mineyful
Discord ID: 596467919077113856
I make no claim on Moonlight. I just do not know. I never properly tested it except with a magnifying glass. It did not make my hand even a tiny bit warm.
well yeah moonlight barely has any energy compared to sunlight
@Drewski4343 yes
Yet in sunlight lit paper or even wood on fire quite fast.
the best way to know is to test
yeah because the sun is magnitudes more powerful than the moon
it's like trying to light a fire by using a magnifying glass and a flashlight
that's what you're doing with the moonlight
it's just far too weak
Which is it . 90% or 99.9%. Earlier you said 10% was reflected meaning a 90% loss.
moon reflects only between 3 and 12 percent of the sunlight that hits it.
OK 97% loss.
yeah so good luck lighting a fire with it
Moonlight doesn’t reflect the suns light
It emits it’s own light which is Cold Light
Really. No heat at all or a thousand degrees. Well 3% of a thousand is still 30 and it should be at least felt. I can feel the difference in no fever and 102.
we already went over this california
there is no such thing as "cold" light
There is
We’ve already proven it
Over and over again and you can do it yourself
light accompanied by little or no heat; luminescence.
is cold light
but not literally giving off cold
there is cold light ... yes
Laser is cold light in those Vacuum Chamber. The only decision is is moonlight cold light.
Explain why are objects in the moonlight colder then objects in the shade
giving off cold doesn't have meaning
that's not what it means to say something is cold though
scroll up california
I said it 2 times
If heat is taken away from pavement that is cold light. Same as in the laser chamber.
Temperatures of surfaces under an unobstructed night sky will lose more of their heat than surfaces with obstructions, roofs, trees or clouds over them, and this happens even on nights when the Moon isn't present
>>clear 30
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Cleaned **30** messages.
why so much cleaning
hes just deleting newer messages
muh debates
i told morpheus ain’t powerful enough
@mineyful the Drill Sargent is coming