Message from @Jbruh
Discord ID: 462501747575750657
Imagine not fearing Hell
You have grown cocky
You have to retard your discord with ctrl + r first jbruh
Can you say nigger in heaven
honest typo
what does it do?
restart it
Yeah was totally not thinking that jbruh is retarded
Lol yes
I’m sure you can
But will there be anyone to say it to?
Saying nigger in heaven is epic
no u @IAmHiding
Tbh ive grown to beleive the only people that go to heavan are the people that are super anxious about their sins, people that pray for 3 hours for lying to somebody. The church has grown soft
I fear hell of course, but I have faith that I will be in heaven for I am a loyal follower of Christ and have done good acts for the church and my community
There you go
Thanks for listening
So are calvinist christians
<:GWfroggyUWot1:398568481823522816> <:GWfroggyUWot2:398569119668109312> <:smug:402400327313391616>
You know what’s better than being a devout Calvinist?
Going to heaven
fellas im here
Hello here
Actually i take that joke back
They even got the gay guy in there
that gay nibba gonna drop the flag too
They're not putting up a Mexican flag?
Alright fellas
They don't have a progressive with a lighter and gas can nearby to practice their 1st amendment rights?
It's time for the Lord's prayer