Message from @DonkeyDong
Discord ID: 462501193877422090
Right because emote list is just a compilation of global emote servers
You gotta join em
@IAmHiding have you ever nearly died?
Too many times lol
Dont even like pondering on it
I get my athletic strength from the powerful effect of DRAGON ENERGY
You ever just stand on a cliff or bridge and think that you could so easily just jump off and die
Lol what
I don't fear death
Kinda. I get like impulse anxiety occasionally when im on ledges like that
Yeah same
Cause Ik if I die I go straight to heaven
Ik who I am
What is purgatory?
Imagine not having spiritual anxiety
If youre not worried ull go to hell youre not puritain enough
You are a cultural hippie
If you think you're going to hell then you're not spiritual enough
Nugga what
No Dong
But i like their model
Imagine not fearing Hell
You have grown cocky
You have to retard your discord with ctrl + r first jbruh
Can you say nigger in heaven
honest typo
what does it do?
restart it
Yeah was totally not thinking that jbruh is retarded
Lol yes
I’m sure you can
But will there be anyone to say it to?
Saying nigger in heaven is epic