Message from @Enn

Discord ID: 597162431936200714

2019-07-06 20:25:43 UTC  

Ok later on

2019-07-06 20:25:43 UTC  

he says spacetime stretches and bends so, everything looks that way

2019-07-06 20:26:07 UTC  

but there's no proof either, this is just what einstein claims

2019-07-06 20:26:33 UTC  

No, think like this: if two light beams are traveling towards each other at the speed of light ( 2 light years apart ) they would only need to travel 1 light year to meet each other

2019-07-06 20:27:01 UTC  

according to einstein even the time it takes them to meet is relative to who watches it i guess

2019-07-06 20:27:06 UTC  

He actually has a formula dependent on the speed of light being a Law. Thus you could measure the speed of the other photon approaching you with that formula and it would be the speed of light no faster. That is circular reasoning to the max.

2019-07-06 20:27:08 UTC  

Do you think Einstein’s findings would have any merit if they were easily debunked with linear thinking like this?

2019-07-06 20:27:18 UTC  

I mean seriously

2019-07-06 20:27:57 UTC  

The speed of light is a constant for the universe, nothing with mass can travel it or higher.

2019-07-06 20:27:57 UTC  

They conformed with the religious beliefs he was paid to sell as Science. How I see it.

2019-07-06 20:28:03 UTC  

Simple as that

2019-07-06 20:28:20 UTC  

i wouldn't agree that that's "simple as that" xD

2019-07-06 20:28:28 UTC  

And if you were correct, I’m sure a grade schooler could become famous from proving it wrong lol

2019-07-06 20:28:40 UTC  

He used math few could understand to sell religious philosophy no one would accept by the name religion.

2019-07-06 20:28:49 UTC  

Einstein was basically a panentheist, which is shady.

2019-07-06 20:28:52 UTC  

So.. basic calculus?

2019-07-06 20:29:05 UTC  

but i do think that einstein's theory isn't just disprovable in a second. it's very deep and, if it's wrong, it's designed to keep people trapped in it and wondering ... not just to be dismissed and move along

2019-07-06 20:29:31 UTC  

Do you understand how money works? The Fed, a private bank, makes all money out of thin air. But the power of it is immense.

2019-07-06 20:29:51 UTC  

Steve, we are talking in 2 dimensions here, how is this so hard to understand?

2019-07-06 20:30:18 UTC  

"Science" ⚛ — see the hexagram within it? ( 🔯 )

2019-07-06 20:30:19 UTC  

The Fed has total control. So no the Fed would make sure you were paid nothing and they might even pay so you would lose your reputation and even your life if necessary.

2019-07-06 20:30:42 UTC  

I’m not trying to be mean, but I am oversimplifying something that is already so simple to understand. And now we are talking about some secret government agency. I mean, come on man

2019-07-06 20:30:57 UTC  

@Enn a lot of scientists were weirdly like that

2019-07-06 20:31:15 UTC  

*uh-huh*, and many had an agenda to dismantle religion

2019-07-06 20:31:32 UTC  

––Specifically, Christianity

2019-07-06 20:31:39 UTC  

Scientific Debates on here always degrade to some secret Illuminati discussion about aliens or some other s***

2019-07-06 20:31:45 UTC  

Because you claimed that someone could question religion sold as science and get paid for it. You showed you have no clue of what money really is.

2019-07-06 20:32:08 UTC  

does seem that way enn

2019-07-06 20:32:09 UTC  

We were talking about the speed of light, now money? You are attacking a straw man figure

2019-07-06 20:32:16 UTC  

The Fed rules the earth. We are not allowed to question what they sell as truth.

2019-07-06 20:32:23 UTC  

Alright cya man

2019-07-06 20:33:13 UTC  

You say light can meet light at double the speed of light. Yet it is not double the speed of light. Really. How is that logical thinking?

2019-07-06 20:34:00 UTC  

No. If two cars are driving toward each other at 10 MPH at a distance of 20 MPH apart, how long and where will they meet?

2019-07-06 20:34:19 UTC  

If I know someone 100 miles away and can travel at 50 mph on a highway we can meet in an hour. Yet the total distance traveled was 100 miles. Do you disagree with that?

2019-07-06 20:34:23 UTC  

Will their speeds double? No

2019-07-06 20:34:25 UTC  

Thing is about science is it's a contemporary philosophy that advertises itself as being matter-of-factly '100% sure'—"there you have it, the science is settled"—as if man's word is infallible; and we all know what the thinker thinks, the prover proves, and that's how these theories are always ever-changing. They find out one thing and then counter it with another, and it's usually based on corporate interests, such as if vaccinations are safe or is coffee and eggs good for you daily, etc.

2019-07-06 20:34:51 UTC  

Yes, so why can’t u understand that in terms of light speed

2019-07-06 20:34:53 UTC  

Yet you say that if I am a photon and my friend is a photon 2 ly away we can not meet in a year?

2019-07-06 20:34:58 UTC  

The "evidence" is used to back agendas.

2019-07-06 20:35:02 UTC  

YES we can meet in a year