Message from @MysteryBabylon
Discord ID: 601084054825336842
no really, what are you all talking about?
everything and nothing often are coupled
basic question,
sounds like an assumption
also there is karma to consider
no one has said what they are talking about
just arguing
going along to get along, living high on the hog as it were, at the expensive of others has its consequences
nope nothing post
what are you talking about?
nothingm, right
what are you guys talking about?
you guys talk about nothing then?
@Seeker of Truth I love that saying
it refers to the concept that if you put out negativity into the world, its going to eventually come back to bite you in the rear
so what goes around comes around, cliche bs
The idea of karma is Hinduist philosophy, isn't it?
none is quoting a Hindu book, so yes, its BS
it is simple cause and effect
is this a the kids channel?
let me give you an example
cause: a new member trolls in the ice wall
effect: that new members gets muted
post a quote, wheres it from, doesnt matter, never read the book
!mute @MysteryBabylon troll
**Question of the Day #138**
Did you watch The Holographic Disclosure series from Secret Key Activator which were originally uploaded to YouTube around 2010? What about that channel's other videos?
Share your thoughts in the <#484514023698726912>.
What's the Holographic Disclosure series?
Like, a Cole's Notes description.
God isn't a gamer who got bored and left the Nintendogs unattended
LOL - I love that @Bibleman - though... he really is exactly that