Message from @Joe the boomer
Discord ID: 462810623110283268
ebic trool
fellas we all homies
Yeah real winners here
a storms coming
Let's push around a dumpster, we're cool I swear
I swear we aren't larping
when you think defending the flag and beating commies down is larping
Defending what flag? Half the time it's a Nazi flag
psssssst guys. send DMs
jordan theres only one flag the american flag\
There are Nazi flags often and we get associated with them
Even 1 flag ruins the whole thing
not here not today if i see someone carrying aNAZI flag ill beat the living shit out of them
except the people there aren't doing that with makes it worse
@Joe the boomer you gonna beat a federal agent's ass
go for it
what event
i'm saying do it
what was it
portland patriots vs antifa counter protest
o cool
Nazbols rise up!
Why would you go to an event looking to fight, just let antifa make themselves look stupid
I love watching antifa get their shit kicked in
antifa are faggots
jordan shut up
we dont like free speech here\
we are nazbol
nazbol is a gay russian meme co-opted by merican fags tbh