Message from @finny!

Discord ID: 603695090464063496

2019-07-24 21:06:40 UTC  

so which is it?

2019-07-24 21:06:41 UTC  

That's because we thought it was dead but you people brought it back and we saw no need making vaccines for those diseases

2019-07-24 21:06:50 UTC  


2019-07-24 21:06:52 UTC  

So where vulnerable

2019-07-24 21:06:53 UTC  

please show me that kids are being injected with all those raw ingredients

2019-07-24 21:06:57 UTC  

You sure are one funny dude

2019-07-24 21:07:00 UTC  

an idea can't be true?

2019-07-24 21:07:02 UTC
I highly recommend you watch this

2019-07-24 21:07:03 UTC  

a concept

2019-07-24 21:07:18 UTC  

You say it to be an idea, but also say it to be proven

2019-07-24 21:07:19 UTC  

human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures (strain WI-38), Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, sucrose, D-mannose, D- fructose, dextrose, human serum albumin, potassium phosphate, plasdone C, anhydrous lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, polacrilin potassium, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, cellulose acetate phthalate, alcohol, acetone, castor oil, FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye, amonio acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, sugars, aluminium hydroxide, sodium chloride, benzethonium chloride, formaldehyde, glycerin, asparagine, citric acid, magnesium sulfate, iron ammonium citrate, lactose, casaminio acids, yeast extract, anti-foaming agent (Simeticone), ascorbic acid, hydrolyzed casein, sodium carbonate, aluminium phosphate, isotonic sodium chloride, cystine, maltose, uracil, glutaraldehyde, 2-phenoxyethanol, Stainer-Scholte medium, casamino acids, dimethyl-beta-cyclodextrin, Muller's growth medium, ammonium sulfate, modified mueller-miller casamino acid medium without beef heart infusion, VERO cells, a contiunous line of monkey kidney cells, Calf serup, lactalbumin hydrolsate, Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, diemthyl-beta-cyclodextrin, MRC-5 cells, normal human diploid cells, CMRL 1969 medium supplemented with calf serum,

2019-07-24 21:07:24 UTC  

Medium 1999 without calf serum, glutaraldehyde, nemycin, polymyxin B sulfate, Fenton medium containing a bovine extract, modified Latham medium derived from bovine casein, calf serum and lactalbumin hydrolysate, bovine serum albumin, modified Mueller and Miller medium (the culture medium contains milk-derived raw materials [casein derivatives]), saline, synthetic medium, complext fermentation media, amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulfate, semi-synthetic media, tris (trometamol)-HCl, phosphate-buggered saline solution, aminoglycoside antibiotic, non-viral protein, DNA, sodium borate, disodium phosphate dihydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, soy peptone, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, phosphate buffer, polysorbate 20, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium choride, sodium taurodeoxycholate, ovalbumin, beta-propiolactone, squalene, sorbitan trioleate, sodium citrate dehydrate, neomycin, kanamycin, barium, egg proteins, CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide), octooxynol-10 (TRITON X-100),

2019-07-24 21:07:29 UTC  

α-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride, baculovirus and Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins, baculovirus and cellular DNA, Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, protein other than HA, MDCK cell DNA, cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide, β-propiolactone, nonylphenol ethoxylate, monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, arginine, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), protamine sulfate, host cell DNA, sodium metabisulphite, Watson Scherp media containing casamino acid, modified culture medium containing hydrolyzed casein, Franz complete medium, CY medium, Mueller Hinto casein agar, Watson Scherp casamino acid media, E. coli, histidine, kanamycin, defined fermentation growth media, histidine buffered saline, chick embryo cell culture, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts, combinant human albumin, neomycin, hydrolyzed gelatin, monosodium L-glutamate, potassium phosphate monobasic, urea, sorbitol, recombinant human albumin, CRM197 carrier protein, succinate buffer, Eagle MEM modified medium, M-199 without calf bovine serum, phenol red indicator, beta-priopriolactone, chicken fibroblasts, African Green Monkey kidney (Vero) cells, HEPES, hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid).

2019-07-24 21:07:56 UTC  

That is what is in your vaccines folks ^^^^

2019-07-24 21:08:21 UTC  

there's hydrogen in water

2019-07-24 21:08:24 UTC

2019-07-24 21:08:28 UTC  

hydrogen is a highly explosive gas

2019-07-24 21:08:33 UTC  


2019-07-24 21:08:40 UTC  

those are all extracts

2019-07-24 21:08:44 UTC  

Yeah @Human Sheeple those are deadly substances until you realise there in a small dose and we often consume these substances like cyanide in apple's and mercury in fish

2019-07-24 21:08:45 UTC  

>science is gross so it's bad

2019-07-24 21:08:46 UTC  

Nice off topic derailing there twig

2019-07-24 21:08:47 UTC  

@twig Is there green african monkey kidneys in water too?

2019-07-24 21:08:47 UTC  

why did my previous post get deleted lmao

2019-07-24 21:08:50 UTC  

The absolute state of brainlets

2019-07-24 21:09:04 UTC  

Funny, I could say the same thing about you

2019-07-24 21:09:07 UTC  

@Xi Jinping it's showing his argument is dumb

2019-07-24 21:09:14 UTC  

the argument of "gross" is illogical

2019-07-24 21:09:18 UTC  

@chairismati8 i7899 Is there bovine serum albumin in apple too?

2019-07-24 21:09:19 UTC  

gross dosen't matter if it works

2019-07-24 21:09:25 UTC  


2019-07-24 21:09:25 UTC  

twig#1282 LANGUAGE!!!

2019-07-24 21:09:29 UTC  

No that's absurd

2019-07-24 21:09:29 UTC  

Just because you're squeamish about the places that chemicals are extracted from, that doesn't mean the chemicals are dangerous

2019-07-24 21:09:37 UTC  


2019-07-24 21:09:38 UTC  


2019-07-24 21:09:44 UTC  

No, you are showing that you are not able to continue a debate when confronted with truth. This we call Cognitive Dissonance

2019-07-24 21:10:00 UTC  

@Xi Jinping that's not what cognitive dissonance is, but we can continue

2019-07-24 21:10:22 UTC  

Why should children be mass sterilized whilst migrants are not so they can ethnically replace us?