Discord ID: 178997121737949184
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your word against mine
you neither
```Just add a force
Or watch proper high altitude balloon footage
I'm sure we could conduct a scientific experiment about applying forces to water
and observing it bend
do you really need that?
We literally see it bend
every day
make a hole in a lake
what happens
special pleading
so the water CAN bend
if you apply a force to it
what if the force is centralized
in a single point
I know
but it can bend
It can bend
It can bend
If you accept that gravity exists
what force pulls things down
i drop a pen
what pulls it
that's a force
acceleration = force
literally one of the most basic laws of physics
in order for an object to accelerate, a force needs to be applied to it
why does it accelerate downwards
Some force
is applied to it
I call it gravity
what do you call it
good wbu
who cares about lack of resistance
something acts on it
to pull it down
thats buoyancy
a force
that counteracts gravity
however gravity has to exist
in order for buoyancy to have an effect
@Sausage not exactly
no resistance can have movement
if the object is already moving
yes bobby
well yeah air is always going to stop it
but that is a force
so without resistance
in a vacuum as u said
it just keeps moving
but yes @Bobby Woods the wood is denser
therefore gravity pulls it down harder
in water buoyancy can push it up harder than it gets pulled down, makign it float
without gravity
it doesnt get pulled down
gravity is what we define as that force
why would it
without a force it would stay put
nothing is pulling it down
as long as you accept that objects only accelerate under stress of a force
it wouldnt move
density is irrelevant without gravity
with gravity
flat earth doesnt make sense
as the earth would fall back into a sphere
the edges would be pulled towards the center of mass
you need gravity for our universe to make sense lol
whats the point
of the video
vsauce? lol
I haven't watched a single vsauce video in my life
I know about him from the memes
the hey vsauce here thing
the formation of the planet
would have to be globular
anecdotal information literally is evidence
not sufficient
its still evidence
it literally is
it's not sufficient to reach a conclusion
but it's evidence
yeah answer that
every flat earther dodges it lol
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