Message from @mineyful

Discord ID: 605540168765538305

2019-07-29 23:17:00 UTC  

you're the one denying real science in favor of fake tricks

2019-07-29 23:17:10 UTC  

You guys just can't see the truth

2019-07-29 23:17:29 UTC  

You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

2019-07-29 23:18:07 UTC  

you constantly try acting like a good intelligent debater when you're the one that denies real evidence and uses fake evidence

2019-07-29 23:18:16 UTC  

here's a rock, therefore metoer"

2019-07-29 23:18:17 UTC  


2019-07-29 23:18:24 UTC  

I tried

2019-07-29 23:18:33 UTC  

i really did

2019-07-29 23:19:27 UTC  
2019-07-29 23:19:32 UTC  

Im sorry you can't accept the truth

2019-07-29 23:19:38 UTC

2019-07-29 23:19:38 UTC  

It must be hard

2019-07-29 23:19:44 UTC  

From the conclusion: Large variations of shielding
depths between samples indicate that break-up of the
meteoroid must have occured high in atmosphere. This
would also explain the large inferred ablation loss,
which is typical for large chondrite showers.

2019-07-29 23:19:50 UTC  
2019-07-29 23:19:56 UTC  

don't know how you can keep denying the science

2019-07-29 23:20:12 UTC  

I'm not denying anything

2019-07-29 23:20:17 UTC  

no bibleman

2019-07-29 23:20:26 UTC  

well kinda you too since you said there was no proof of them being real

2019-07-29 23:20:34 UTC  

when this paper was on the examination of a meteorite

2019-07-29 23:21:21 UTC  

The thing is why would the government and other organizations pay large sums of money for a meteorite if it's just a normal rock

2019-07-29 23:21:41 UTC  

there's a fallacy in there and that's weak argument

2019-07-29 23:21:46 UTC  

but i'm not in the mood to tear apart things rn

2019-07-29 23:21:48 UTC  

I gotta pack

2019-07-29 23:21:57 UTC  

DC time

2019-07-29 23:22:18 UTC  

I know it's weak but I'm just asking to prod answers

2019-07-29 23:22:27 UTC  

make it stronger

2019-07-29 23:22:31 UTC  

don't generalize it so much

2019-07-29 23:22:49 UTC  

Kk I'll think of something

2019-07-29 23:23:03 UTC  

at the end of the day i'm still here and I'm still looking for answers

2019-07-29 23:23:12 UTC  

it's part of the deception, the money is just for show to pull the deception off

2019-07-29 23:23:23 UTC  

the government is in on it, money has no real value

2019-07-29 23:23:28 UTC  

that was bait bibleman

2019-07-29 23:23:38 UTC  

also any more questions on the meteorites

2019-07-29 23:23:42 UTC  


2019-07-29 23:24:03 UTC  

there are no questions, they aren't real

2019-07-29 23:24:07 UTC  

and why is that

2019-07-29 23:24:12 UTC  

you deny evidence in favor of heresay

2019-07-29 23:24:22 UTC  

so what's the new popular consensus on what they are