Message from @mineyful
Discord ID: 605540825589350406
Im sorry you can't accept the truth
It must be hard
From the conclusion: Large variations of shielding
depths between samples indicate that break-up of the
meteoroid must have occured high in atmosphere. This
would also explain the large inferred ablation loss,
which is typical for large chondrite showers.
don't know how you can keep denying the science
I'm not denying anything
no bibleman
well kinda you too since you said there was no proof of them being real
when this paper was on the examination of a meteorite
The thing is why would the government and other organizations pay large sums of money for a meteorite if it's just a normal rock
there's a fallacy in there and that's weak argument
but i'm not in the mood to tear apart things rn
I gotta pack
DC time
I know it's weak but I'm just asking to prod answers
make it stronger
don't generalize it so much
Kk I'll think of something
it's part of the deception, the money is just for show to pull the deception off
the government is in on it, money has no real value
that was bait bibleman
also any more questions on the meteorites
there are no questions, they aren't real
and why is that
you deny evidence in favor of heresay
so what's the new popular consensus on what they are
"i found this rock, its from SPACE"
I thought the motto of this server is question everything
then the paid scientists get paid to say what others want
You can *read* this from the paper: Large variations of shielding depths between samples indicate that break-up of the
meteoroid must have occured high in atmosphere. This would also explain the large inferred ablation loss,which is typical for large chondrite showers.
blah blah blah, it isn't REAL though
they can make things up all they want
what's real enough then
finding on for yourself?
what IS real is that those are just rocks
technically yeah they are rocks
there is nothing otherworldly about them