Message from @Corporate

Discord ID: 594433164676431872

2019-06-27 07:31:16 UTC  

Which means the earth is FLAT compare reality on the right what we see daily with the photos on the left which one looks more similar? The Curved surface picture or the flat surface in comparison to reality

2019-06-27 07:31:27 UTC  

Anyway I need to get going unlike you and Derek I actually am Old

2019-06-27 07:31:33 UTC  

lol good night

2019-06-27 07:31:44 UTC  

Have a goodnight, bro.

2019-06-27 07:32:01 UTC  

@Brian (Fourth Amendment) do you like sunsets?

2019-06-27 07:32:12 UTC  

There is nice experiment for you to try.

2019-06-27 07:43:05 UTC  

The earth is round, change my mind.

2019-06-27 07:56:13 UTC

2019-06-27 08:23:36 UTC  

You do realize that the atmosphere and air spin togheter with the earth right?

2019-06-27 08:24:09 UTC

2019-06-27 08:25:56 UTC

2019-06-28 03:37:39 UTC  

It shouldn't effect it if the balloons maintain their rotational velocity when they move higher.

Also coriolis effect refers to global wind belts, but over land several factors can affect wind. Its like how they show how a hurricane or tornado will take 1 of 3 paths (along with a most likely path too). Its because they have to include the effects of 1 the wind belt 2 the current velocity 3 the chance of it being dragged into a low pressure and 4 the chance of it being pushed from a high pressure (high pressure next to low pressure doesnt maintain so only 3 routes are shown).

And if the earth was in rotation but not the balloons, the balloons would be shot way back (or forward) when they lifted off; they wouldnt land in the same spot

2019-06-28 08:23:00 UTC  

the Coriolis effect is the change in the earths rotation relative to the objects starting rotation, that's what it is different in both hemispheres and when shooting north and south

2019-06-28 13:01:23 UTC  


2019-06-28 13:02:12 UTC  

Show me you shooting north and south of the equator and then show me the difference. Lol. Waiting. @Nico2020

2019-06-28 15:43:58 UTC  

this vid shows i pretty good understanding of the Coriolis effect, you can imagine what a bullet would do.

2019-06-28 21:49:19 UTC  

K let me know when you show yourself doing it.

Also its its not a good idea to use known liars as your source

2019-06-29 03:58:26 UTC  

ok, just give me the funds and i will be on my way

2019-06-29 07:34:09 UTC  

do you need a PayPal link or something?

2019-06-29 07:45:10 UTC  


2019-06-29 07:45:25 UTC  

also nico who are you telling people to give funds too

2019-06-29 07:45:30 UTC  

nobody cares my guy

2019-06-29 07:55:26 UTC  

he wanted me to do something, i do not have the funds myself to do so, so i asked for him to send money. he seemed to think i have the funds, so i take it he does

2019-06-29 08:05:32 UTC  

@Derek Nelson#1641 you do know that a hot air balloon is significantly slower than a bullet

2019-06-29 08:05:37 UTC  

God damn it he left

2019-06-29 08:14:51 UTC  

but the two things don't relate, it is the earths change in rotation as you got north or south that causes the Coriolis effect

2019-06-29 08:15:15 UTC  

the balloons are just going up and down

2019-06-29 21:46:23 UTC  

Coriolis effect aparently isnt just wind belts like i thought but instead causes them and does other stuff. I dont see how its relevant though. Its circular reasoning to say this proves the earth is a sphere or rotating and its not how people "proved" earth is round or rotating anyway so i dont see any relevence here

Also rotational velocity (or angular velocity) and tangential velocity(or linear speed) arent the same thing. Rotational velocity is constant on a rotating globe. Tangential velocity isnt. Use the right terms because clearly you mean tangential velocity

2019-07-01 09:26:24 UTC  
2019-07-03 00:22:41 UTC  

i went to a fossil store a few weeks ago and saw dinosaur skeletons, and trilobites from hundreds of millions of years ago

2019-07-03 00:23:19 UTC  

there you go, the theory that the earth is only a few thousand years old is dead now

2019-07-03 06:51:04 UTC  

gotta try harder than that

2019-07-03 16:03:09 UTC  

we have observed and have also been taught to discount any and all Coriolis effect on our Sniper rounds.. its a HOAX the earth does not spin.. it is motionless.. when shooters experience "Spin Drift" as part of the targeting solution it is mistaken for movement of the earth that is not the case.. SPIN DRIFT is the bullet slowing down wth air friction.. AND because of the rifling in the barrel... it rises and goes UP a bit at over 800 to 1000 yards or more..

2019-07-03 16:04:16 UTC  

its called " RIGHT HAND TWIST" ... every barrel has twist to stabilize the projectile

2019-07-05 21:03:27 UTC  

or the distance isn't significant enough to make a large difference and it could still be spinning

2019-07-06 04:19:58 UTC  

i think its like 2 inches at 800 yards or something

2019-07-06 06:39:22 UTC  

I agree that the corialus effect is definetly atleast unproven in that regard, but the wind belts cant be disproven. Whatever effect they're from

2019-07-06 07:09:49 UTC  

there is no direct evidence that the Coriolis effect happens, it is all just maths of what should happen, but there is also no direct evidence that spin drift happens, as for all you know there could be wind that pushes the bullet. the only way to know for sure is to have a 100 yard shooting range or something that is completely enclosed with guaranteed 0 wind.

2019-07-06 13:29:33 UTC  

Lol. What??

2019-07-06 13:29:50 UTC  

No evidence of spin drift?