Message from @Perfict

Discord ID: 606287369397731338

2019-07-31 16:35:12 UTC  

danny#0445 has been sent to Muted for spamming!

2019-07-31 16:36:18 UTC  


As in, hey google, what does this word mean in the original language it was written in?

2019-07-31 16:36:34 UTC  

He can see this when he gets back from "I cant debate so I have to spam links" timeout

2019-07-31 17:04:43 UTC  

@SAM101907 there is, yet we don't even need a source. In special relativity a constant four-acceleration doesn't actually require an energy input, and a constant four-acceleration would never reach lightspeed due to the fact that it's *four-velocity* doesn't necessarily need to change since it undergoes time dialation as it accelerates.

2019-07-31 17:05:43 UTC  

@Akhanyatin It won't reach lightspeed and doesn't even require an energy source. Does anyone even know special relativity here?

2019-07-31 18:01:54 UTC  

wait wait wait, let me get this straight... You believe in QM, a 4D spacetime, four-velocity and GR/SR but you're not ok with gravity and the earth being a globe?
how does that even work in your head? you must be a troll, there's absolutely no other way to put this. You're either a troll or don't understand anything you're saying and have been speaking out of your rear end since the beginning

2019-07-31 18:21:51 UTC  
2019-07-31 18:48:25 UTC  

@97 Eleven Anything with mass by it's definition must resist acceleration, you cannot have an object with mass accelerating without an energy input. The only things that can are mass-less particles like photons, not entire planets or magic flying discs.

2019-07-31 19:01:07 UTC  
2019-07-31 19:01:38 UTC  

we all know the earth is a donut guys

2019-07-31 19:01:42 UTC  

@The Gwench for anyone who has some experience with video editing, I can assure you that this is fake

2019-07-31 19:01:44 UTC  

whyd eabting

2019-07-31 19:23:26 UTC  

@Akhanyatin 97 dont believe in gr ;-; just certain aspects like geodesic deviation and the equivalence principle

2019-07-31 19:24:29 UTC  

And why did you say gr/sr? Secial relativity and general relativity aint the same things

2019-07-31 19:25:14 UTC  

i'm not saying it's the same thing, I'm just not down to type more letters

2019-07-31 19:25:51 UTC  

Oh. Kek

2019-07-31 20:27:38 UTC  

@97 Eleven lot of Earths you got there

2019-07-31 20:55:00 UTC  

@SAM101907 False, not if there isn't air.

2019-07-31 22:14:37 UTC  

whoa youre back

2019-07-31 22:48:08 UTC  

@I hate globetards If there isn’t air where?

2019-08-01 00:49:33 UTC  

*** *** I went to Wikipedia, and there I found a picture of Wernher von Braun's head-stone, in Ivy Hill Cemetery (Alexandria, Virginia), 2008. One can see, it does not give a quote, it offers a reference. Even if Mr. Braun decided to have that on his head-stone, that would not mean that his understanding of Ps. 19:1 was the same as someone else's nor that the translation he was using was the same as theirs.
Just because someone enjoys the poetry of a verse, does not mean that they embrace the concept of a flat Earth because of any interpretation of that verse, however sound that interpretation might be.
Furthermore, even if Wernher von Braun was shown to have fully embraced the Flat-Earth and a firmament dome for it, and that the rockets that he designed were not reaching outer space or the Moon, that would not mean that the Earth was flat or that there was a firmament dome above it.

2019-08-01 01:10:26 UTC  


Talk about going into a person's head and making out like you know more than the person knew about his thinking process.

It is insane to think he did not know what the verse said.

Rockets work well to send bombs across the earth.

He seemed to understand nothing up there except the Firmament.

2019-08-01 01:15:46 UTC  

When I went to Texas last week I saw a lot of low hills many miles away. I saw flat land under the airplane. What I never saw was even a tiny bit of curve.

I saw the harbor leading to Norfolk, VA from 40 miles away. Impossible we we on a globe.

I know you will deflect to some mind game. Something other than the fact that we never see the supposed curve of the earth. Never ever. Salt Flats and flat lakes and on and on prove there is no curve. So you will go anywhere but this basic reality.

2019-08-01 01:18:11 UTC  

There’s a pre NASA photo of earths curvature in the lounge

2019-08-01 01:50:43 UTC  

@Steve Angell
I really do not see where I did anything of the kind. I certainly was not saying that I knew what Mr. Braun knew or was thinking, I was only pointing out that others had been doing that. I can right now point out that when you said, "He seemed to understand nothing up there except the Firmament." that you were making assumptions about what he thought and understood.
I did not suggest that Mr. Braun did not have an understanding of what the verse said. I did point out that it was unreasonable to insist that he simply _must_ have been using the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) in English, and no other. And that even if he was using the NRSV in English, he still might not have had the same understanding of that verse, or been quoting it with that same understanding.
I was also pointing out that even if it was accurate to say that Wernher von Braun embraced the idea that the Earth was flat, that would not mean that it was. The whole thing is a non-issue.

2019-08-01 02:00:23 UTC  

*** *** The Cavendish Experiment shows the attraction between two masses. It does not require that any of the bodies involved have the mass of Earth. It is designed to be performed in the presence of a large mass, the Earth itself, and to exclude the influence of that mass on the results of the experiment. It was first performed around 1800 and is now an experiment regularly performed at universities everywhere, every year.

2019-08-01 02:11:37 UTC  

It was discredited. They did not test for other forms of attraction. I call it a Circus Act because Universities do it on a stage acting like it has meaning. Yet it does not. They are working on a new method to do it and do it properly but that has not yet been done. it would test for other forms of attraction like magnetic or electrical.

2019-08-01 02:12:21 UTC  

Sup fellow flatties

2019-08-01 02:12:23 UTC  

Till they do that this is simply a Circus Act.

2019-08-01 02:12:42 UTC  

flatter than my grandma

2019-08-01 02:17:34 UTC  

Psalms 19:1 kjv

2019-08-01 02:17:34 UTC  

**Psalm 19:1 - King James Version (KJV)**


<1> The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. ```

2019-08-01 02:18:10 UTC  

Many versions you can choose by stating the version
Psalms 19:1 cjb

2019-08-01 02:18:10 UTC  

**Psalm 19:1 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)**


<1> <(0)> For the leader. A psalm of David: ```

2019-08-01 02:18:45 UTC  

Psalms 19:1 cjb

2019-08-01 02:18:45 UTC  

**Psalm 19:1 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)**


<1> <(0)> For the leader. A psalm of David: ```

2019-08-01 02:19:16 UTC  

Hmm does not work for that verse
Psalm 19:1-3

2019-08-01 02:19:17 UTC  

**Psalm 19:1-3 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**

Psalm 19 / God’s Glory in Creation and the Law

<1> The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. <2> Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. <3> There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; ```

2019-08-01 02:19:39 UTC  

Psalm 19:1-3 cjb

2019-08-01 02:19:40 UTC  

**Psalm 19:1-3 - Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)**


<1> <(0)> For the leader. A psalm of David: <2> <(1)> The heavens declare the glory of God, the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands. <3> <(2)> Every day it utters speech, every night it reveals knowledge. ```

2019-08-01 02:31:55 UTC  

wow a bible can tell if the earth is flat