Message from @Tsucchi

Discord ID: 635820051429064715

2019-10-21 03:07:25 UTC  

Can someone please tell me 1 piece of evidence about the earth being flat?

2019-10-21 03:42:58 UTC

2019-10-21 04:31:58 UTC  

@landonsmith44444 u gotta do your own research to get the answers

2019-10-21 05:40:57 UTC  

2019-10-21 05:41:01 UTC  

2019-10-21 05:41:30 UTC  

2019-10-21 08:07:27 UTC  

Mercury 🔵
Venus 🔵
Earth ___
Mars 🔵
Jupiter 🔵
Saturn 🔵
Uranus 🔵
Neptune 🔵
Crazy how nature does that huh?

2019-10-21 08:07:37 UTC  


2019-10-21 08:17:42 UTC

2019-10-21 08:21:19 UTC  

which side r u on left or right

2019-10-21 08:40:25 UTC

2019-10-21 08:43:39 UTC  

Mercury 🔵
Venus 🔵
Earth ___
Mars 🔵
Jupiter 🔵
Saturn 🔵
Uranus 🔵
Neptune 🔵
Crazy how nature does that huh?
😂 Flat earthers explain this... dun dun dunnnn

2019-10-21 10:37:30 UTC  

Ok but going off what 'da flying dog' posted, look at the solar system. Every other planet has been proven to be round, so what cluster of events lead to the earth being flat?

Someone tweeted the same thing and the twitter account for the FES responded with "the earth is not a planet".

Note: This is not a troll. I know y'all think I'm a troll but this is a serious question.

2019-10-21 10:45:48 UTC  

yes hi

2019-10-21 10:45:57 UTC  

how everyone

2019-10-21 10:46:01 UTC  

earth is a globe

2019-10-21 11:35:26 UTC  

Pst, if some believe earth is flat leave them be

2019-10-21 11:44:12 UTC  

Did you ever wonder why there are so many endless contradictions in the Judeo-Christian bible? Do you want to know why?? The reason for this- is its nothing but a book of lies! Although, most Christians are taught to be “good
sheep” of the pasture and not to question. One thing about sheep though- is that they aren’t very smart, and they can easily be driven off a cliff. The bible was and is nothing more than a tool to remove spiritual knowledge from
everything in the Christian religion; it is nothing more than a HOAX!
Everything in the Judeo-Christian bible has been stolen from the Ancient Pagan religions that predated it from a few hundred to several thousands of years. The bible is full of spiritual allegories that were stolen and corrupted into real places with real beings, this was done to deceive you and keep the truth hidden. Additionally, EVERY major story in the bible was STOLEN (derivatives or copies) from the Ancient Sumerian and Ancient Egyptian cultures. That fictitious Nazarene is about the biggest joke there is, and a slap in the face to the human race.
That Nazarene isn’t real at all; in fact it was stolen from some 18+ crucified pagan gods, such as Odin who hung from a tree and was “born again”.
This knowledge has been deliberately withheld from the populace, to keep you enslaved and living in a total lie. Those at the top (the Jews, and the catholic leadership) know the truth, and they DO NOT want you to obtain this
knowledge, but to remain servile. If you are interested in learning much more than you ever thought possible as a human being, the TRUTH that has been deliberately withheld from you and STOLEN from the original religions-
then go to the websites that are listed below. I must tell you though; once you know the TRUTH, you can never again be deceived by the LIE of Christianity. Stop the LIE with me, pass this on; See it for yourself.

2019-10-21 11:45:40 UTC  

@Jacket this is the incorrect channel to post things like that in

2019-10-21 12:41:53 UTC  

@Jacket#7682 yes those sites does a good job of exposing religions. it's a shame that some awakened to the flat earth truth get trapped in the bible and not dig any deeper beyond it

2019-10-21 13:49:11 UTC  
2019-10-21 13:49:48 UTC  

Thanks. I thought it was interesting

2019-10-21 16:14:22 UTC  

oh man watching that video kinda hurts so much ignorance and basking in it 😦

2019-10-21 16:15:37 UTC  

he does not even understand that the picture only shows part of the earth since most of it is hidden and not seen in the picture

2019-10-21 16:15:55 UTC  

since u cant see all sides of a ball in a foto of a ball

2019-10-21 16:16:05 UTC  

or lets say the whole surface of it

2019-10-21 16:16:41 UTC  

he could simply use a soccer ball and paint some on it and make some fotos to test this oh man

2019-10-21 16:52:46 UTC  

You completely missed the point of the video

2019-10-21 16:53:38 UTC  

The point is that the light doesnt match reality

2019-10-21 19:07:01 UTC  

*I see no one answered my question...*

2019-10-21 19:07:36 UTC  

Was it a good question

2019-10-21 20:06:31 UTC  

prolly not

2019-10-21 20:55:38 UTC  


2019-10-21 20:57:11 UTC  

2019-10-21 20:57:16 UTC  


2019-10-21 22:20:54 UTC  

Some dude named daiel wanted me to drop off this receipt for the experiment and would like to request a ban lift

2019-10-21 22:24:32 UTC

2019-10-21 22:29:58 UTC  


2019-10-21 22:37:07 UTC  
