Message from @some random dude

Discord ID: 774139551722504213

2020-11-06 05:07:29 UTC  

We exist by mere chance, evolved this way by chance....There is not “meaning” behind it, it just happened. So you either cope or die

2020-11-06 05:07:36 UTC  

Those are you’re options.

2020-11-06 05:07:51 UTC  

And we distract ourselves until we have to make that choice

2020-11-06 05:08:10 UTC  

You’re hobbies are distractions

2020-11-06 05:08:12 UTC  

> What is that meaning?
@NumberOneSilver there isint a one specific one. Well I believe there is, but for a nihilist like you, all you should focus on, is appreciating what you have.

2020-11-06 05:08:55 UTC  

> We exist by mere chance, evolved this way by chance....There is not “meaning” behind it, it just happened. So you either cope or die
@NumberOneSilver "chance" is what uneducated people call destiny

2020-11-06 05:09:16 UTC  

That is your belief, I go off of facts....I never said I didn’t appreciate what I have. You jumped to that conclusion yourself.

2020-11-06 05:09:34 UTC  

If you did. You wouldn't be in search of a meaning

2020-11-06 05:09:34 UTC  

> @NumberOneSilver "chance" is what uneducated people call destiny
@justkaus That sounds like you took it from a fortune cookie....

2020-11-06 05:10:04 UTC  

> @justkaus That sounds like you took it from a fortune cookie....
@NumberOneSilver nah. Evidence, anecdotal, but I have seen it with my eyes

2020-11-06 05:10:05 UTC  

I’m not in search of meaning, because there is none to be found. And I am content and satisfied with That.

2020-11-06 05:10:38 UTC  

> I’m not in search of meaning, because there is none to be found. And I am content and satisfied with That.
@NumberOneSilver then you found your life's meaning no? To be content and satisfied.

2020-11-06 05:13:06 UTC  

It comforts me to know that what i do means nothing in the universe and as a normal person of little to no status, I will merely be forgotten a few years after I die.
There is no afterlife
This gruling and pointless life will be over.
And I had survived through a time of intelligence that most species will never reach.
The mere thought that nothing I do matters drives me to be and egoist and act in my own self interest by non selfish means and enjoy what little time I have left.

2020-11-06 05:13:18 UTC  

My life has no meaning

2020-11-06 05:13:25 UTC  

And that is satisfying

2020-11-06 05:13:34 UTC  

If we had big brother, then no one would have to deal with silly broken Democratic debates

2020-11-06 05:13:40 UTC  


2020-11-06 05:13:44 UTC  

That is true freedom from self imprisonment

2020-11-06 05:13:49 UTC  

Y'all really ain't seeing the truth

2020-11-06 05:14:09 UTC  

There is no such thing as truth

2020-11-06 05:14:11 UTC  

> My life has no meaning
@NumberOneSilver your whole life is a spook

2020-11-06 05:14:17 UTC  

It her than perceived facts

2020-11-06 05:14:21 UTC  


2020-11-06 05:14:56 UTC  

> And that is satisfying
@NumberOneSilver but if you are happy and satisfied, why do you even need a meaning in life?

2020-11-06 05:17:23 UTC  
2020-11-06 05:18:27 UTC  

> @NumberOneSilver but if you are happy and satisfied, why do you even need a meaning in life?
@justkaus That’s my who point, there is no meaning, nothing to have to live up to.
It’s satisfying to know nothing I do matters....
Like I said, it’s freedom from self imprisonment.

2020-11-06 05:18:28 UTC  

GG @NumberOneSilver, you just advanced to level 16!

2020-11-06 05:19:06 UTC  

So in other words

2020-11-06 05:19:13 UTC  

Life is a spook?

2020-11-06 05:19:18 UTC  

kinda based ngl

2020-11-06 05:19:42 UTC  

> @justkaus That’s my who point, there is no meaning, nothing to have to live up to.
> It’s satisfying to know nothing I do matters....
> Like I said, it’s freedom from self imprisonment.
@NumberOneSilver you are happy. Then you need no meaning in life. But you saying there ISINT a meaning in life, would imply you went looking for it, or at least thought about it...

2020-11-06 05:22:02 UTC  

No, I never thought of it really.
But there is no meaning to our existence.
There is no god,
So what would give our existence meaning? It is by evolution we are even able to think such thoughts....Science led to our existence, not some existential meaning.

2020-11-06 05:24:56 UTC  

> No, I never thought of it really.
> But there is no meaning to our existence.
> There is no god,
> So what would give our existence meaning? It is by evolution we are even able to think such thoughts....Science led to our existence, not some existential meaning.
@NumberOneSilver my point is, you go looking for meaning in existence for reasons. And if you say, there is no meaning, there is no God. It means you HAVE given time, energy and resources into it. It wouldn't be because you are unhappy or unsatisfied, cuz you said you aren't. So I am asking, why are you even wondering about it?

2020-11-06 05:27:28 UTC  

I’m not, I was not raised devoting time into these things....I think much more about politics than I do about thinking about morality or anything like that.

I never sought if, but Bible thumpers preach constantly....So I hear it....

I don’t think life has meaning because I’ve never been given a concrete reason on why it does.....I’m a science based thinker.

2020-11-06 05:28:17 UTC  

Fair enough

2020-11-06 17:45:40 UTC  


2020-11-06 23:49:11 UTC  

GG @Eypx, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-07 00:40:28 UTC  

2020-11-07 00:41:09 UTC  


2020-11-07 00:42:33 UTC  

2020-11-07 00:45:48 UTC  

-mute @George Penny 1d