Message from @holunderbaum

Discord ID: 618051615257133056

2019-09-02 11:48:01 UTC  

the stars rotate different ways at either hemisphere

2019-09-02 11:48:12 UTC  

is 100% undeniable proof that it's not flat

2019-09-02 11:48:19 UTC  

it's the celestial sphere rotating at the center

2019-09-02 11:48:23 UTC  

you also can't have a flat torus field

2019-09-02 11:49:00 UTC  

i can debunk the globe model 1000 times in 5 minutes and can debunk the flat model easily

2019-09-02 11:49:20 UTC  

you cannot debunk concave model, the gatekeeping and psychological warfare of it is so extreme

2019-09-02 11:49:25 UTC  

with their cia garbage

2019-09-02 11:49:55 UTC  

it curves upwards but you don't see that when looking out because of negative refraction, i woul need to show photos

2019-09-02 11:50:26 UTC  

lighting conditions changes how you see it, sometimes you can see way way too far and sometimes it appears to be disappearing over the horizon, even looking at the same place from the same spot

2019-09-02 11:51:01 UTC  

flat earthers are half way there, 50% the way then you need to take the final leap, i am a targeted individual of gangstalking

2019-09-02 11:51:13 UTC  

from conspiracy knowledge, they have sabotaged every part of my life now

2019-09-02 11:51:43 UTC  

we live inside a hollow EM engine, a folding hypertorus

2019-09-02 11:51:59 UTC  

matter exists due to the flow of the aether, interlaced hypertorus at the core

2019-09-02 11:52:35 UTC  

it's manifest due to armonic suspension of electrodynamic 'packets' of electrical charge this manifest 'subatomic' so called 'particles', Particles are the same as light they flip flop in and out of existance (many call this the simulation theory) existance of anything is harmonic coherence of charge states

2019-09-02 11:53:31 UTC  

as space is folded out from the core it is thus also counterspatially collapsing back into the core...ergo reciprocating. Without flow there is no 'energy'. Black holes if they exist are simply electromagnetic counterspatial voidances due to high electromagnetic spatial compression. Gravity is nothing more than both spatial exspansion and counterspatial contraction in unison (ether push) easier understood as dielectric repulsion & attraction

2019-09-02 11:53:52 UTC  

you are being pushed to the ground by centripetal sink force ether

2019-09-02 11:54:21 UTC  

and if you get high up enough you will be pushed to the fimament by centrifugal lift force, this is how things lock into orbit

2019-09-02 11:54:50 UTC  

once you get high enough to reach the equilibrium point anything can lock magnetically into orbit, meaning they do have a few real satelites

2019-09-02 11:55:07 UTC  

nobody is in the satelites, they're locked into orbit and used for surveillance, the highest form of witchcraft

2019-09-02 11:56:27 UTC  

the core is a hyperfolded exspansion from non euclidean counterspace, alignment of none harmonised counterspace then manifests in harmonic space and takes mathmetically the simplest shape it can for its form - a sphere ergo the earth is a ball and the universe held within us is a hypertorus

2019-09-02 11:57:21 UTC  

we live INSIDE the universe, heaven is in the earth as it says in the bible, flat earth is a massive CIA psyop so that your anatomy cannot truly comprehend heaven above you as the flat model does not work

2019-09-02 11:58:43 UTC  

the sun is an electromagnetic capacitance discharge welders torch, the celestial firmament allows discharge with capacitators

2019-09-02 11:59:12 UTC  

all energy comes from the octahedron at the center, you can prove that a pyramid creates a spherical energy field which is why orgonite works

2019-09-02 11:59:39 UTC  

when god said "let there be light" he put the octahedron in place, which is the tree of life

2019-09-02 12:01:04 UTC  

everything is spherical, a hypersphere explains all potential shapes for the universe because all are one in the depends how you choose to measure something that you cannot measure because all the tools of man are electromagnetic yes this includes telescopes...when measuring and working out where stars are Reimman curvature tensors and other algorythms need to be applied

2019-09-02 12:02:14 UTC  

2019-09-02 12:02:23 UTC  

Nice fiction. Definitely will buy the book.

2019-09-02 12:02:47 UTC  


2019-09-02 12:02:59 UTC  

are you a flat earther? you cannot debunk this model, eric dubay and other luciferian flat earthers cannot debunk it either

2019-09-02 12:03:15 UTC  

You are making claims after claims

2019-09-02 12:03:17 UTC  

you can refute it with me for hours and i'll debunk your model over and over and i can assure you you won't debunk concave

2019-09-02 12:03:21 UTC  

Where is your proof?

2019-09-02 12:03:27 UTC  

the proof is that you cannot debunk it

2019-09-02 12:03:33 UTC  

let me ask you a question

2019-09-02 12:03:36 UTC  


2019-09-02 12:03:38 UTC  

have you looked into concave earth at all?

2019-09-02 12:03:44 UTC  

I want proof right now

2019-09-02 12:03:54 UTC  

the answer is no, so why are you saying it's fiction if you've never researched it?

2019-09-02 12:04:09 UTC  

I have researched it