Message from @Metaphysical Monarchist
Discord ID: 465000474479689748
is what i believe
There's never been a massive object even near myanus.
"let all these rapist brown dudes in" -fat white women with a rape fantasy
Rape Culture is a spook.
Does anyone know if Leo, who called in, has a Twitter account?
Overwhelmingly there is pressure on men to sexually perform on demand. Everything from pressure to see a woman as a sex object, the social meme that all a man should want from a woman is sex, and the pressure to perform on demand for a woman when she wants sex. Women are likely to take it as a personal insult if you say no, and commit social violence against you through her social network of friends.
The real rape culture marginalizes men away from women, only allowing them to have intimate relationships around sex.
Men who seek intimate emotional support or offer it to other men see their mansculinity called into question.
So men end up using sex as a proxy for intimacy.
Men starved for emotional connection with other humans.
This is the real rape culture.
Not being allowed to say no.
Every aspect of the patriarchy overwhelmingly benefits women.
@OMEGA 6 million jews did nothing wrong.
6 million I wish
anybody else listen to templar chants while they JO
I looked something up on google images and that was one of the results
shawn is going IN
The Sweat is redpilled on the nature of women
Going hard tonight so is Anglin
Yeah I’m sure the manlet that gets no pussy is redpilled af on women
Beardson Gets the nature of women
Oh yea I forgot about the video game nerd w a fat wife
It doesn’t dis punt what he’s saying
I’ve never watched bar the Little thing