Message from @Dirt Pig

Discord ID: 465033538962456580

2018-07-07 05:52:51 UTC  

Sin is seperation from God.

2018-07-07 05:53:00 UTC  


2018-07-07 05:53:04 UTC  

Brought by judging God and seperating yourself from Him.

2018-07-07 05:53:24 UTC  

Your aversion to God's creation is aversion to the Creator.

2018-07-07 05:53:54 UTC  

i think you misinterpreted me

2018-07-07 05:53:57 UTC  

Partaking of the fruit (result of) the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a daily task for most everyone.

2018-07-07 05:54:09 UTC  

i dont disagree with you

2018-07-07 05:54:10 UTC  

that result is judgement and condemnation of things God created.

2018-07-07 05:54:16 UTC  

and God.

2018-07-07 05:54:20 UTC  

and Seperation.

2018-07-07 05:54:21 UTC  

but im saying in sin, we became imperfect

2018-07-07 05:54:22 UTC  

it is Sin.

2018-07-07 05:54:39 UTC  

im not saying GOD did not create us to be perfect

2018-07-07 05:55:29 UTC  

seperation from God is a proper step toward developing your own desire to practice love without condition.

2018-07-07 05:56:03 UTC  

If you always rely upon God's desire that you do, you will never develop your own will, aligned with divine Will.

2018-07-07 05:56:22 UTC  

God created us in His Image and Likness. He created us to BE GOD LIKE. By breaking his divine commandment and partaking of the fruit men separated himself from God and lost the ability to attain that likeness. This was restored to men in and through the Lord Jesus who healed our fallen nature through His Own Suffering. "King James Bible
For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.
" Hebrews 2:10

2018-07-07 05:56:35 UTC  


2018-07-07 05:56:49 UTC  

christ came to remove the effects of sin

2018-07-07 05:56:54 UTC  

and commanded that you love as he did

2018-07-07 05:57:07 UTC  

He paid our eternal debt

2018-07-07 05:57:15 UTC  

seperation of races is is wrong because integration is right, if you don't like that fuck you nickers

2018-07-07 05:57:16 UTC  


2018-07-07 05:57:19 UTC  

because a man cannot stand in a position of uncondition love and a position of judgement based in good and evil at the same time

2018-07-07 05:57:29 UTC  

Christlike love removes your sin

2018-07-07 05:57:32 UTC  

your seperation

2018-07-07 05:57:38 UTC  

i'd encourage you to pursue it

2018-07-07 05:57:50 UTC  

@Dirt Pig Jesus did not die on the Cross so you could rebuild the Tower of Babble

2018-07-07 05:57:56 UTC  


2018-07-07 05:57:56 UTC  

detective dick niggler

2018-07-07 05:58:24 UTC  

daddy and i talk

2018-07-07 05:58:31 UTC  

its ok

2018-07-07 05:59:05 UTC  

niggler, GOD draws you unto HIM when you begin to notice how beuatiful and elegant HIS law is that i retroactively condems and yet loves you when you follow it at the same time

2018-07-07 05:59:29 UTC  

Just give Jesus a chance, he'll accept anyone and everyone.

2018-07-07 05:59:30 UTC  

yes you have to love but it is GOD that gives the law

2018-07-07 05:59:42 UTC  

of course. God is always there, and always was. You were never really seperated, you only refused to see Him any longer.

2018-07-07 05:59:47 UTC  

rememeber what JESUS said ? if you love me you will keep my commandments

2018-07-07 05:59:53 UTC  

Seperation is illusion.

2018-07-07 05:59:59 UTC  

dont ever forget the law

2018-07-07 06:00:06 UTC  

God is the co-experiencer of all things.

2018-07-07 06:00:07 UTC  

I heard nick got size 16 shoes no homo

2018-07-07 06:00:14 UTC  

He exists in a superposition to reality