Message from @Lulaliva
Discord ID: 631943187635765269
this is a christian server
I've been playing xbox my whole life
never touched a playstation really
fix this
globe lie programming is everywhere:
Club panguin kinda fun tho
@Logrian 💯
dictator best
How are you guys?
@SiliconBassist im good
u are good
Yes the picture is face because the last one from the right distance for that view was taken in 1972 iirc
All the newer ones are fake
YouTube cracks down on truth
i hear
youtube ban
all flat earth videos
YouTube promotes lies
@Citizen Z is there flat earth website
I mostly use YouTube for music, synth demos, and other entertaining things
Rollercoaster reviews etc
all truth videos should put 'try not to' and 'impossible challenge' in the title, youtube algorithm loooooves that
See the curve challenge
but why does youtube not ban globe videos
What qualifies as a globe video? Anything that uses that model or anti-FE videos