Message from @FluBoi

Discord ID: 632417166129365002

2019-10-12 03:16:59 UTC  

Leviticus 18:22

2019-10-12 03:17:00 UTC  

There's something I wanna say about the bible but I can't say it cause it has a uh offensive word in it

2019-10-12 03:17:00 UTC  

**Leviticus 18:22 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<22> You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. ```

2019-10-12 03:17:49 UTC  

Muslim countries also have the highest rate of domestic violence, so are women diseases to u as well?

2019-10-12 03:18:03 UTC  

@Citizen Z Where is the Quron bot?

2019-10-12 03:18:14 UTC  

@Citizen Z coming?

2019-10-12 03:18:15 UTC  

pleas someone kick them out

2019-10-12 03:18:22 UTC  

read the rulls

2019-10-12 03:18:32 UTC  

women need a bit of discipline by man. thats why u see women in the west divorcing men at a rate of 1 in 2 marriages. society falls when u let women have control

2019-10-12 03:18:47 UTC  

this goas on wrong way

2019-10-12 03:18:47 UTC  

Lmao your scared of a women standing up, that’s why u gay

2019-10-12 03:18:52 UTC  
2019-10-12 03:18:55 UTC  


2019-10-12 03:19:06 UTC  

if u call me gay one more time

2019-10-12 03:19:11 UTC  

Oh no not the women talk

2019-10-12 03:19:18 UTC  

@FluBoi hate what ever you whant to hate

2019-10-12 03:19:43 UTC  

enough gay talk

2019-10-12 03:19:49 UTC  

next topic

2019-10-12 03:19:52 UTC  

That's quotable

2019-10-12 03:19:55 UTC  

A society where everyone is treated equal works better then a society where their not, I mean look at the shithole Muslim countries compared to every other non homophobic ignorant countries

2019-10-12 03:20:02 UTC  

@Lee Lushy brother women were always beneath men in the whole history of mankind, its just the late 70 years where we gave them rights that families have had no values nor deeper meaning

2019-10-12 03:20:13 UTC  


2019-10-12 03:20:15 UTC  

@FluBoi this dude is all about hate pleas someone contact the leader to see

2019-10-12 03:20:20 UTC  

We have a wife beater

2019-10-12 03:20:21 UTC  

I don't see women as lesser

2019-10-12 03:20:22 UTC  

I don't see why women are lesser than men.

2019-10-12 03:20:34 UTC  

Well according to his religion they are

2019-10-12 03:20:35 UTC  

im not a wife beater, only a wife adjuster

2019-10-12 03:20:40 UTC  

But I don't say they are equal either

2019-10-12 03:20:50 UTC  

@Champion where’d ya go?

2019-10-12 03:21:01 UTC  

You know what annoys me? People who use religious scripture as an excuse to commit heinous acts.

2019-10-12 03:21:05 UTC  

I’m not a bully only a criticizer that’s your logic

2019-10-12 03:21:19 UTC  

you all dont following the rull

2019-10-12 03:21:21 UTC  

Someone who does that is in the wrong @🎃Oakheart🎃

2019-10-12 03:21:30 UTC  

FluBoi can’t think for him self that’s why he hides behind his book

2019-10-12 03:21:33 UTC  

wrong server

2019-10-12 03:21:34 UTC  


2019-10-12 03:21:39 UTC  

@🎃Oakheart🎃 what I hate is people denying religious scripture to commit heinous acts

2019-10-12 03:21:47 UTC  

Putting God's name or anyone else's name to your action is wrong

2019-10-12 03:21:48 UTC  

when your gonna marry a women, you have the same odds in roulette as getting divorced

2019-10-12 03:21:57 UTC  
