Message from @No Regerts

Discord ID: 466453834533699584

2018-07-11 03:55:42 UTC  

Yea I posted that earlier

2018-07-11 03:56:01 UTC  

But from a different site

2018-07-11 03:56:18 UTC  

Ali G

2018-07-11 03:56:43 UTC  

The Cabal

2018-07-11 03:57:04 UTC

2018-07-11 03:57:18 UTC  

The 4 is without a doubt masculine, reflecting strength and stability. His chief characteristics are dependability, productivity, punctuality and obedience. He is trustworthy, patient, conventional and a traditionalist. He is a bit boring and not much of a social person, preferring to toil in quiet obscurity. He works steadily and can be very persistent. He finds great satisfaction in his accomplishments and favors results over financial reward or public recognition. He is humble, dresses conservatively and blends in with his surroundings.

2018-07-11 03:58:37 UTC

2018-07-11 03:58:43 UTC  

Your ok in the USA, petrol/gas is cheap there

2018-07-11 04:00:07 UTC  

The origins of the earlier flag of Great Britain date back to 1606. James VI of Scotland had inherited the English and Irish thrones in 1603 as James I, thereby uniting the crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland in a personal union, although the three kingdoms remained separate states. On 12 April 1606, a new flag to represent this regal union between England and Scotland was specified in a royal decree, according to which the flag of England (a red cross on a white background, known as St George's Cross), and the flag of Scotland (a white saltire on a blue background, known as the Saltire or St Andrew's Cross), would be joined together, forming the flag of England and Scotland for maritime purposes. King James also began to refer to a "Kingdom of Great Britaine", although the union remained a personal one.

2018-07-11 04:00:10 UTC  

These People Have To Be Defeated
Posted on July 10, 2018 Why do I say that? Because if we lose this fight, America dies.

2018-07-11 04:00:12 UTC  

You have gained a rank @No Regerts, you just advanced to 21 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-11 04:01:24 UTC  

That exorcist stuff is kinda bull.

2018-07-11 04:01:51 UTC  
2018-07-11 04:02:24 UTC

2018-07-11 04:02:58 UTC

2018-07-11 04:03:00 UTC  

Pelosi: β€œI’m Determined to Avenge President Obama If It’s the Last Thing I Do.”
Posted on July 10, 2018

2018-07-11 04:03:44 UTC

2018-07-11 04:03:52 UTC  

Trump keeps having a go at Britain on how much we spend on nato, but we are the 3rd largest giver to it. And we are only a small country

2018-07-11 04:03:58 UTC  

Poison bottle

2018-07-11 04:04:08 UTC  

I hate when potus travels it worries me to seath

2018-07-11 04:04:10 UTC  

The H door next to Chelsea, does this mean money from the clinton foundation is being controlled by Chelsea?

2018-07-11 04:04:54 UTC  

Blame the ones that aren’t putting in at least 2.0%

2018-07-11 04:05:00 UTC

2018-07-11 04:05:42 UTC

2018-07-11 04:05:42 UTC