Message from @V77

Discord ID: 471846572368330754

2018-07-26 01:05:07 UTC  

Is Trudeau really that STUPID?

2018-07-26 01:05:14 UTC  


2018-07-26 01:05:31 UTC  
2018-07-26 01:05:38 UTC

2018-07-26 01:06:12 UTC  
2018-07-26 01:06:20 UTC  

I feel sorry for Canada 😞

2018-07-26 01:06:48 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma fiesy on yt

2018-07-26 01:07:52 UTC

2018-07-26 01:07:57 UTC  

He a pedo

2018-07-26 01:07:58 UTC  
2018-07-26 01:08:06 UTC  

A CNN correspondent said she was barred from attending an open press event at the White House on Wednesday because of questions she asked President Donald Trump earlier in the day.
Kaitlan Collins and her employer, CNN, say the White House denied Collins access to Trump's Rose Garden event with the European Commission president because officials found her earlier questions "inappropriate."
Collins had served as a representative of the television networks during an earlier pool spray in the Oval Office. She and a handful of other reporters peppered the president with questions, including many focused on his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
CNN on Tuesday obtained and aired a secret audio recording that captured Trump and Cohen discussing a potential payment to a former Playboy model who claims she had an affair with Trump.

2018-07-26 01:08:12 UTC  

@Jayde You sound much better - I hope you are on recovery road! xo

2018-07-26 01:08:22 UTC

2018-07-26 01:08:39 UTC  

It is standard protocol for reporters to ask the president questions at such events, and Trump, unlike some of his predecessors, often engages.
Collins says she was later reprimanded by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and communications chief Bill Shine and told she could not attend the Rose Garden event, which was open to all other members of the credentialed media.
CNN, in a statement, objected to the move, calling it "retaliatory in nature" and "not indicative of an open and free press."
GOP Lawmakers Move to Impeach Rod Rosenstein
"Just because the White House is uncomfortable with a question regarding the news of the day doesn't mean the question isn't relevant and shouldn't be asked," the network said.
The White House Correspondents' Association also issued a harshly worded statement condemning "the White House's misguided and inappropriate decision today to bar one of our members from an open press event after she asked questions they did not like."
"This type of retaliation is wholly inappropriate, wrong-headed, and weak. It cannot stand," said the group's president, Olivier Knox.

2018-07-26 01:08:41 UTC  

Fiesty Cat is on youtube.

2018-07-26 01:09:00 UTC  

And Fox News President Jay Wallace said, "We stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press."
Sanders, in her own statement, defended the decision and claimed that Collins had "shouted questions and refused to leave despite repeatedly being asked to do so" at the end of the Oval Office event.
Numerous reporters, including many from the European Union delegation, had been shouting questions, and, as usual, it took some time for the pack of journalists to file out the doors.
Trump Delays Proposed Putin Meeting Until 2019
Sanders said the White House made clear that other CNN journalists were invited to the next event, just not Collins.
"To be clear, we support a free press and ask that everyone be respectful of the presidency and guests at the White House," she said.

2018-07-26 01:09:19 UTC  

R is a LARP.

2018-07-26 01:09:47 UTC  

Piss on CNN and the press pool 💩

2018-07-26 01:09:49 UTC  

@SighOperator I missed R

2018-07-26 01:10:27 UTC  

Are skulls our thing now

2018-07-26 01:10:29 UTC  

@V77 not sure what it means except for the recent minor mention.

2018-07-26 01:10:45 UTC  

@SighOperator I was away

2018-07-26 01:10:56 UTC  

No knowledge of R

2018-07-26 01:10:58 UTC  

A pizza delivery worker, who was detained at a Brooklyn Army base last month, was released from an immigration detention center Tuesday. He could barely contain his joy as he saw his wife and daughters again.

2018-07-26 01:11:00 UTC  

@V77 "punisher" logo. not my thing

2018-07-26 01:11:19 UTC  

@2ncourage notice how lindsey isn't by mccain's side any longer?

2018-07-26 01:11:32 UTC  

After all I’ve seen, it’s my thing. 🐺

2018-07-26 01:11:38 UTC  

Isn't Houston due for a new weaponized Harvey?

2018-07-26 01:11:49 UTC

2018-07-26 01:13:30 UTC

2018-07-26 01:13:44 UTC  

@cablecat I hope he rots

2018-07-26 01:13:50 UTC  


2018-07-26 01:13:54 UTC  

Damn Bramage

2018-07-26 01:14:03 UTC  

Protesters gathered outside South Georgia Medical Center around 7:00 Wednesday morning, after two cardiologists were terminated this week.

A billboard in the Valdosta area asked for residents to attend a board meeting this morning at SGMC in support of the two cardiologists.

Dr. Joe Johnson and Dr. Randall Brown confirmed to the Valdosta Daily Times they received a letter from SGMC CEO Ross Berry notifying them their contracts were terminated.

SGMC also confirmed it ended agreements with Johnson and Brown, who are cardiothoracic surgeons with the SGMC CardioVascular Institute.

The hospital released the following statement:

SGMC has ended its agreements with the current cardiothoracic surgeons of the SGMC CardioVascular Institute.

“While we aren’t able to discuss personnel matters regarding these physicians, I can tell you that we are actively recruiting cardiothoracic surgeons and are already thrilled to be able to bring a physician to Valdosta with the experience and expertise of Dr. Randy Metcalf,” said SGMC CEO C. Ross Berry. “He is here in Valdosta and is already hard at work.”

Dr. Metcalf has nearly 30 years experience as a surgeon and cardiothoracic surgeon. Dr. Metcalf completed a residency at The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH where he was Chief Resident for Cardiothoracic Surgery. He also completed a clinical fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Harvard University New England Deaconess Hospital in Boston.

After completing his medical degree at University of Texas Health Sciences Center in Houston, Dr. Metcalf completed a residency in Surgery and was Chief Surgery Resident at University of Colorado in Denver.