Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 472410314554736648

2018-07-27 14:26:31 UTC  

Truman's veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.

Speaking in the Senate on March 2, 1953, McCarran said:[4]

I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. ... However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.

2018-07-27 14:26:45 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:27:17 UTC  

Well a stupid coworker interrupted me while the President was speaking. Did I miss anything other than #winning and GDP?

2018-07-27 14:27:26 UTC  

The McCarran-Walter Act abolished the "alien ineligible to citizenship" category from US immigration law, which de facto only applied to people of Asian descent. Small, token quotas of about 100 people per country were established for the countries of Asia. However, people of Asian descent but who were citizens of a non-Asian country counted towards the quota of their Asian ancestral country.[6] Overall annual immigration from the Asiatic Barred Zone was also capped at 2000.[7] Passage of the act was strongly lobbied for by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Japanese American Citizens League, Filipino Federation of America, and Korean National Association; though as an incremental measure, as those organizations wished to see national origins quotas abolished altogether.[8]

McCarran-Walter Act allowed for people of Asian descent to immigrate and to become citizens, which had been banned by laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Asian Exclusion Act of 1924. Chinese immigration in particular had been allowed for a decade prior to McCarran-Walter by the Magnuson Act of 1943, which was passed because of America's World War II alliance with China.[9] Japanese Americans and Korean Americans were first allowed to naturalize by the McCarran-Walter Act.[10] Overall changes in the perceptions of Asians were made possible by Cold War politics; the Displaced Persons Act of 1948 allowed anticommunist Chinese American students who feared returning to the Chinese Civil War to stay in the United States; and these provisions would be expanded by the Refugee Relief Act of 1953.[7]

2018-07-27 14:27:42 UTC  

The Act allowed the government to deport immigrants or naturalized citizens engaged in subversive activities and also allowed the barring of suspected subversives from entering the country. It was used to ban members and former members and "fellow travelers" of the Communist Party from entry into the United States, even those who had not been associated with the party for decades.

The act also allowed the government to prevent polygamists from entering the country. It specifically stated under Title II, chapter 2, "GENERAL CLASSES OF ALIENS INELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE VISAS AND EXCLUDED FROM ADMISSION", Section 212, sub (a), part (11): "Aliens who are polygamists or who practice polygamy or advocate the practice of polygamy". If one was a polygamist, advocate of polygamy or your religious belief or ideology advocates the practice of polygamy, they would not be allowed in the United States under this law.

2018-07-27 14:28:02 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:28:04 UTC  

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 requires an alien to apply for a petition for naturalization. This form may be obtained from any office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, a division of the Department of Justice, or from any court authorized to naturalize aliens.

Before applying, an alien must be at least 18 years old and must have been lawfully admitted to live permanently in the United States. He must have lived in the United States for five years and for the last six months in the state where he seeks to be naturalized. In some cases, he need only have lived three years in the United States. He must be of good moral character and "attached to the principles of the Constitution". The law states that an alien is not of good moral character if he is a drunkard, has committed adultery, has more than one wife, makes his living by gambling, has lied to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, has been in jail more than 180 days for any reason during his five years in the United States, or is a convicted murderer.

2018-07-27 14:28:08 UTC  

@Deleted User Working........🤔

2018-07-27 14:28:15 UTC  

(always ish)

2018-07-27 14:28:31 UTC  

The following list provides examples of those who were excluded from the Act prior to the 1990 amendment. While it has not been substantiated that all of these individuals formally petitioned to become United States Citizens, many were banned from travelling to the US because of anti-American political views and/or criminal records. Among those listed, there are noted communists, socialists, and anti-American sympathizers.[12]

Kōbō Abe, Japanese writer
Tom Bottomore, British sociologist
Dennis Brutus, South African writer
Boris Christoff, Bulgarian opera singer
Julio Cortázar, Argentine novelist
Mahmoud Darwish, Palestinian poet
Michel Foucault, French philosopher
Dario Fo, Italian playwright and recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature[13]
Carlos Fuentes, Mexican writer
Gabriel García Márquez, Colombian novelist and recipient of the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature
Graham Greene, British writer
Doris Lessing, writer and recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature (Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) / Great Britain)
Ernest Mandel, scholar and Trotskyist activist[citation needed]
Farley Mowat, Canadian writer[14][15]
Jan Myrdal, Swedish scholar
Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet and recipient of the 1971 Nobel Prize in Literature
Carl Paivio, Finnish labor activist and anarchist[16]

2018-07-27 14:28:32 UTC  

I'm salaried so...

2018-07-27 14:28:44 UTC  

and it's friday

2018-07-27 14:28:45 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:28:57 UTC  

and the boss is in TX

2018-07-27 14:28:59 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:29:05 UTC  

Parts of the Act remain in place today, but it has been amended many times and was modified substantially by the Immigration and Nationality Services Act of 1965.

When regulations issued under the authority of the Passport Act of 1926 were challenged in Haig v. Agee, Congress enacted § 707(b) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1979 (Pub.L. 95–426, 92 Stat. 993, enacted October 7, 1978), amending § 215 of the Immigration and Nationality Act making it unlawful to travel abroad without a passport. Until that legislation, under the Travel Control Act of 1918, the president had the authority to require passports for foreign travel only in time of war.

Some provisions that excluded certain classes of immigrants based on their political beliefs were revoked by the Immigration Act of 1990, however members of Communist Parties are still banned from becoming citizens of the United States.

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, President George W. Bush implemented the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System and other border and immigration controls.

In January 2017, President Donald Trump's Executive Order 13769 made reference to the "Immigration and Nationality Act".[17]

2018-07-27 14:29:10 UTC  

@Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG I don't know if this will do any help on what you were asking but this Article is a good read

2018-07-27 14:29:14 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:29:31 UTC  

@retiredDep you there?

2018-07-27 14:29:55 UTC  

@Powder 💜 yep still hanging out

2018-07-27 14:30:07 UTC  

@retiredDep alert here you might need these!

2018-07-27 14:30:14 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:30:19 UTC  

86 degrees...7:30. a.m.

2018-07-27 14:30:24 UTC  

@Powder 💜 love those cuffs

2018-07-27 14:30:29 UTC  


2018-07-27 14:30:50 UTC  

@Powder 💜 yep saw the subject

2018-07-27 14:30:58 UTC  

but seriously... an old friend of mine is the director of development at JibJab in L.A. ... I didn't realize this but they have a new app called GIFgab for mobile devices that make fun animated meme things... like this... if you feel so inclined please download and use-ify to create froggy fun:

2018-07-27 14:30:59 UTC  

Nice color...

2018-07-27 14:31:03 UTC  

@retiredDep alert look 👈

2018-07-27 14:31:32 UTC  

@Powder 💜 I see him

2018-07-27 14:31:33 UTC  

Obama and HRC are going to be dancing today

2018-07-27 14:31:52 UTC  

'look at me' not at the success of Trump

2018-07-27 14:32:03 UTC  

Dear God

Thank you for another day
Please protect our country, and our leadership

2018-07-27 14:32:06 UTC  

You have gained a rank @eire, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-27 14:32:12 UTC  
2018-07-27 14:32:14 UTC  

@retiredDep @silowetr he is 👂 ing

2018-07-27 14:32:37 UTC  

anyone have the link to the Brill fundraiser still? I'd like to not forget about promoting that on YT

2018-07-27 14:32:39 UTC  

_is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack_