Message from @King Gryph

Discord ID: 764145457352933386

2020-10-09 14:08:11 UTC  

@bic Qoomers are going to snap lmao

2020-10-09 14:08:25 UTC  

I'm snapping back in boredom

2020-10-09 14:08:26 UTC  
2020-10-09 14:08:36 UTC  


2020-10-09 14:10:25 UTC  

2021 will be the year of shock happenings instead of micro events

2020-10-09 14:10:27 UTC  


2020-10-09 14:14:59 UTC  


2020-10-09 14:18:00 UTC  

Source: me guys

2020-10-09 14:24:56 UTC  

Trust me guys

2020-10-09 14:48:18 UTC  

Source: HOI4

2020-10-09 14:50:19 UTC  

I'm not saying 9/11 wasn't huge, it was. But the question was 'are things getting crazier out there?'. The governments reacting to 9/11 were inertial carry-overs from the Cold War era. 2001 - 10 years after the USSR collapsed. Many in the Bush Admin had roots in the Reagan administration from the 80s. Their reaction was conventional, even if argued to be draconian on the homefront. The war on terror was not a crazy response to a world seemingly rife with Islamic terror. I'm not advocating or defending it, how it was executed, nothing like that, just saying it wasn't a crazy response. The day of 9/11 was crazy, that's burnt into my soul, I can still get really emotional thinking bout it almost 20 years on. I understand the actual Boomers' feelings about JFK being assassinated. That had to be 'but how?' craziness too. But, like then, after 9/11 the world resumed a rational course in reaction to an irrational happening.
Today seems like crazy town all over, and Trump I'm hoping is a curative to crazytown, but he himself is a sledgehammer of destruction, so using Chaos to defeat Chaos is always a dangerous move.

2020-10-09 14:55:41 UTC  

It could be too, that with so much of the Culture being driven by the Internet, that extremes abound and the Kayfabe nature of reality, or crafted reality, is more noticeable. Like compare Trump to any GOP candidate in 2015. He made politicians plainly and transparently packaged products standing among them being The Donald. He does the same in DC now. All the fake bluster and fake outrage by the Democrats is transparently fake. The take-a-knee photo ops, the crocodile tears, the false sincerity. They are very bad actors that we didn't notice before because they were all equally bad and it fit the motif of 'politician speak/manners'.
So, I think we are off the rails a bit now and while everyone, including those on top, try to find their feet it is pretty crazy.

2020-10-09 15:19:03 UTC  
2020-10-09 15:19:14 UTC  

Lmao ok

2020-10-09 15:19:16 UTC  


2020-10-09 15:19:38 UTC  

Trump campaign should still push for a new moderator

2020-10-09 15:19:54 UTC  

I want Tucker Carlson to moderate the next debate

2020-10-09 15:20:35 UTC  

Didn't the debates got cancelled

2020-10-09 15:20:37 UTC  

And Jake Tapper can have the last one

2020-10-09 15:20:57 UTC  

It's still up in the air

2020-10-09 15:21:14 UTC  


2020-10-09 15:28:47 UTC  

seriously if they can't find an impartial moderator then just have two hardcore left/right moderators

2020-10-09 15:28:53 UTC  

instead.. 4 hardcore lefties?

2020-10-09 15:28:55 UTC  


2020-10-09 15:29:13 UTC  

wait what happened to his twitter account

2020-10-09 15:29:21 UTC  

that they had to go so far and say it was hacked

2020-10-09 15:29:22 UTC  


2020-10-09 15:29:51 UTC  

why do we need a moderator when we can just have a robot that asks questions and puts a timer on

2020-10-09 15:29:57 UTC  

wtf is point of moderator

2020-10-09 15:30:54 UTC  

i recorded some data... pence on average was given his 2 minutes while they gave kamala on average 2 minutes 20 seconds

2020-10-09 15:31:17 UTC  

just get a robot that asks question and times both candidates. problem solved

2020-10-09 15:34:08 UTC  

> why do we need a moderator when we can just have a robot that asks questions and puts a timer on
@Montana 2025 Someone needs to bail out and go up to bat for Biden.

2020-10-09 15:35:17 UTC  

Biden will just sit there while Trump physically makes him eat his shit, it happened at the first debate until Wallace had to step in several times.

2020-10-09 15:35:52 UTC  

Trump is a Literal Chad/Alpha while Biden is the Virgin/Beta walking away with his head down.

2020-10-09 15:36:03 UTC  

These aren’t debates. It’s a show that panders to people’s feelings.

2020-10-09 15:36:13 UTC  

Both Trump and Biden can’t debate

2020-10-09 15:36:34 UTC  

Pence probably the best I’ve seen in a while

2020-10-09 15:36:41 UTC  

The guy has talent

2020-10-09 15:37:06 UTC  

It is fine the way it is, the GOP candidates know the game going in. If they are adept they can use it to their advantage, and have. OTOH, if real actual debates are desired then real debate moderators will be needed, questions given in advance, positions, rebuttals, etc prepared. And that would be great too.

2020-10-09 15:37:19 UTC  

This is about power and dominance, Biden gave up the Stage and everything to Trump, now Imagine him with Xi or Putin, think he'll suddenly grow a spine?