
Discord ID: 134561642741497856

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*clears throat*



Can we legalize anime?

<:voteno:758777044434812999>๐Ÿ‡บ <:glawck:758776705040121927>


If you move, I'll move, not that it's worth anything. I don't contribute, just watch and occasionally shitpost.

(Also, pretty sure it's called Element now, not Riot)



I think part of the push to stabilize relations in the Middle East is the understanding that the War on Terror gave China the opportunity to expand its influence and claims while we were otherwise occupied.

And so we can't risk a distraction like that again.

Especially if it were to pop off in the middle of some kind of US-China dispute

Beyond any sort of "America serves Jewish interests" read, I mean.

oh shit

I've been wondering what I'm gonna have for dinner

Spaghetti sounds good.

And I have the stuff for it still.

damn it now *I* want pulled pork too.

Sorry fam, it's all burgers now.

Fucking based

Piss your pants, maybe shit and cum.

Would you literally take a shit
to own the libs

oh god I just noticed the clean spot where his shoes were.

Would you bring the Soviet Union back, if you could?

Replace the signal with a missile aiming system.

The missile knows where it at all times.

It knows this because it knows where it isn't.

As with every think piece, we're left with the question: why should Russia do shit? Or, why should Russia just let itself be swayed by US influence?

It's not what's on the outside that matters.

What I was getting at is, you're not paying for the laptop, you're paying for the files.

Gandalf: "Nah, I'm with my boys!"

I got a better idea: delete London.

He now has the Nuclear Foobaw

I was honestly looking forward to American-Russian relations thawing.

Was poking at learning Russian.

God damn. If it happened during Floyd, that shit would have burnt.

They can take my cops

But they can't take my memes, damn it!

It's too bad the Microsoft outage couldn't persist to today.

I don't wanna work today.

See how the ear tragus seems notexistant, and the concha seems shallow?

why tf the debates have to be so late at night

I got work tomorrow

Doomtube'll probably have it.

I still don't know why anyone would chimp at/during the debates.

TBH Trump does better in these 2 minute formats than in those close conduct scuffles.

Ahahaha bullshit

Antifa isn't an organization?

Bruh don't dress up if you don't want attention

All I learned is Trump is aggressive, and that Trump is bad.

Not why I should vote Biden.

That's all its been. Orange man bad.

Oh god he's dredging up that fake quote.

Drop science down the fucking well

Recycle deez nuts

Ay! He's wearin' a wira'! Get em, boys!

An interesting strategy to be sure, holding out on the nomination. But a risky one.

Trump put Biden's medication dose through the hardest stress test it's had all campaign.

I was hearing people were arguing the wire could be a fold in the fabric that caught the light wrong, but that still doesn't explain the weird stylus-pen looking thing on his wrist.

He could have even just did it flippantly. "Yes, yes, I disavow." No WhiteNats would take it seriously that weren't already pissed at him over Israel.

Do me a favor, since I'm banned RN from Twitter: who looks like they're winning, Credge?

Thank you for your support, fren

WHO lied

People died

I second that motion

That's fucking horrific.

Remember, Wave. Focus on your waifu.

Corona-chan cannot overtake you if you remain faithful.


Breaking News: Bigfoot is real and he tried to suck my dick

I didn't say he succeeded. <:Wheeze:759843455479447552>

Trump was right to call Biden out for his low turnout.

I've been unable to watch because wagie, but, wtf does a "sustainable and resilient recovery" even mean?

If you want to stop this from happening again, for example, you would be reducing the international supply chain and international business.

What's this shit about "send more troops to Afghanistan"? Wasn't Trump's foreign policy to push the Afghan government to negotiate with the Taliban so we wouldn't be needed there anymore?

Guns for All

Of course not.

Shut up and take my vote.

> Germany has gone too far into degeneracy and authoritarianism for the US to support them this time. They will reap what they sow.
Ahahahaha what? Do you think the US gives a shit? As far as the average American knows, Germans are as free as ever. And even then, the powers that be are still fundamentally Neocon. They've just switched their cause from "Low Taxes and Jesus" to "Welfare and Degeneracy". Nevermind that the US won't mind prying Germany away from Russian influence. It's the new Cold War.


Believe in Meme Magic. Tell yourself, and others, that he will survive.

I'll be honest

I always thought of China as the leader in 'bringing about dystopia'.

Not the fucking Swedes.

I'm not sure what to expect, Dems making peace with Pence or burying him.

He is growing stronger

The guy's not bedridden yet.

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