Der König des Meeres

Discord ID: 723607198110056609

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I'm old guard you noggers.\


Gib Old Guard


> @Der König des Meeres only old guard gets old guard role <:atlast:758774926869004348>
@Barbaricus What the hell am I then you Spook?



You played yoself


Wave was Retarded for linking the server via Twitter.

The year is 2028. Billionaire reptilian satanists G. Sorrows and M. Cuckerberg are president and vice-president of the USA. A strict communist regime is immediately implemented, resulting in millions of deaths, the collapse of the global economy and the end of free speech. The constitution is ripped to shreds and replaced with the decree of 74853769 genders.

With a global New World Order firmly in power and the worldwide population suppressed, Comrade G. Sorrows implements the Final Solution. All straight males are rounded up and sent to death camps. A few manage to escape to the neighbouring wildernesses and mountains, only to be tracked down and slaughtered. The sight of what humanity has become brings tears to J.C's eyes. He offers the NWO a chance to repent. Unsurprisingly, they resist and attempt to crucify him. In a deadly shootout, J.C barely manages to escape with his life.

With a peaceful negotiation out of the question, J.C has no choice but to act fast. He cannot idly watch his people suffer. He must team up with the last remaining straight males – Tromp, Dolph, Pootin, Napolion, Mussolino, Bolselnoro – and free the people. They must defeat the New World Order leaders and then finally upload Facts and Logic to the system – freeing the people from the social media matrix and ultimately the grasp of the tyrannical NWO.

He's also announcing the "America First Healthcare Plan" right now.

Trump's is all about choice for the patients.

He doesn't need to buy it kek, He's already won lmao

This is nothing more than delivering on his promises.

He's requiring now ALL hospitals and insurance companies to post costs online by default.

Dude, that will RAPIDLY lower costs.

Full Transparency m8

Part of the plan m8

Letting the free market be free, not pay to play 😄

He's literally saying that just now

I'd say the gun stuff is certainly coming in handy now with the rioting, I'd be terrified to imagine these savages with Bumpstocks as easily supplied they are being.

These riots were inevitable, anyone could see that.

Are you listening to him right now on the healthcare, literally checking all your boxes lmao

"Safe and legal importation of Drugs from Canada"


@dankbanshee you should pin the tucker and infowars things in announcements or something

What are we doing?

Why does all the good shit have to habben while I'm at work?

He wants to what?

What the fuck is going on?

Why do y'all always get into trouble while I'm at work?

COD is gay.


We need all our emojis back


@DataVoid remember that one 4chan post that about the Chinese board that said the internet may or may not go down periodically in certain aspects?

We need our emojis back

Graham is part of the swamp, being forced to cooperate.

> Admin Admin Attention Attention.... please give me black color to my name in solidarity with George Floyd
@Montana 2025 you're name is white, that shows solidarity wit the fetenyl he did.

Why can't you noggers just stick to pot?

Yeah, where is Numbie Wumbies?

What happened?

Is ronton stil gone?

I'd like to add someone, Göbekli_Pepe The OSINT guy <@&758768006313541739>

@DataVoid <:lastat:758872386090172457>

Another Boom to end the night

<@&758768006217072648> <@&758768006217072646> DIG YOU AUTISTS


Anything in the documents pop out to you immediately?

Tattoos are Degenerate, Hitler said so.

Ricky, WWHD?

They didn't mention us.

Just "muh right wing commentators"

Message to all commie punks, heck off.

@conn honestly would not be surprised.

<@&758768006217072646> <:atlast:758774926869004348>

Look in the comments, they're all saying she was a plant by Hannity. <:tuckerlaugh:758872277550235658>

As Q said, 4-6% would be lost forever due to the Brainwashing.

I legitimately believe that now.

Sorry man, I just love this server and all within it and would hate for something to happen.

@Montana 2025 Know if Le Pen's party is growing since the Election or nah?

I think AfD in Germany is still growing, right?

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