Message from @Dani Clarke
Discord ID: 474733154402435072
The Space Force
👆 will be PHAT upon its completion
about the space force...
for now the threat is from within
I don't see anything Q in the crowd
and if that threat is eliminated, then it's about looking for an extraterrestrial threat
@bob777 -- I'm gonna go back over the video as soon as Trump is done speaking
nope, think they confiscated all Q posters or homeade posters upon entry
ive seen 1 lock her up
there's a little out front
who are responsible?
Pretty soon, they won't be able to stop Q signs
time to stick posters?
Not sure if they are trying to keep things quiet @bob777 or maybe troll the MSM who finally reported on it
goid👍 👍
The American Embassy in happy about thsi
LOL -- That's right.......NFL players HAVE to stand now, for the anthem
So glad our coal business is coming back
My dad worked for 20 years for West Virginia Coal Mines
here's another plan
just hide the Q
and when inside at the rally, show it
🇧 🇺 🇮 🇱 🇩 🇹 🇭 🇦 🇹 🇼 🇦 🇱 🇱
@trusty rusty ✌ I’m going to get that CNN meme printed and put on the window of my car
🇩 🇯 🇹
4⃣ 5⃣
That speech was too short 😄
the meme war is not over
I agree, I could listen to POTUS for hours...
You have gained a rank @MrT, you just advanced to 11 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
oh yeah, no space
@Deleted User -- U need to do that in the "Ask The Bot " tab ONLY