Discord ID: 435510755966582784
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Just my attempt and photoshopping to compare two images
I've felt all along, no way anyone could convince me that Flynn is not Q.
Flynn, Rogers, Dunford IMO
My first Photoshop mobile wallpaper if anyone wants it. :)
I find it interesting that there are no negative comments on this weekly address. If it where on Twitter, you wouldn't see a positive comment. Tell me Twitter isn't full of boots....
Bots not boots
Hah nice catch fremp
wonder if Q realizes the error in A321 vs A320, makes one wonder and sad
looking for planefags to clarify hopefully
what are you talking about American Patriot 1776? i scrolled up and dont see anyone fighting
i'm a weaponsfag
just like "PEDES" are good, "PEDOS" are bad
.nah pirro too old, he wants someone who has more years available
Hannity Ingram talking about popcorn
Discord is censoring tweet posts?
Everyone rename their guest wifi :)
yawl are whiney tonight
What's with all the regular news links?
Everyone rename your wifi
camdice owens just said 3 weeks til the great awakening in fox and friends, wtf
just now, watching live
watching #greatawakening hashtag, surely someone will post it or a clip
Why are we posting so many irrelevant out of date articles today?
whats with all the HOMESOGOOD advertisements?
wait til the reveal of the identity behind potus schedule
i have an idea...read the draft speech posted a few days ago and cross reference with other speeches
Mike Wallace is a clown, Putin owned him in the interview. Why doesn't he just take a job at CNN?
do you have the reddit or 8ch link for that facebook article Rick?
FB links are dead, someone copy and pasted it from reddit or 8ch and messed it up
on page 8, havent seen it yet Gavin
How the hell are people seeing @jack in that photo? /boggle
She answered the question that was asked exactly as she should have. Reporter didn't ask her to qualify the movement.
Anyone have a link to the two deleted posts from last night?
Used to be 5000, sad.
dunno, pam just said it
this is what happened when we lost half the audience last time
Now we're allowing them to peddle their wares, yay.
no Q signs yet, WTF
they confiscate them at the entry or something?
nah, there where Q signs back in Feb at rallies, i think Alz is on to something
uh oh, he said Darling, thats sexist
wouldnt that be kewl, wonder if "Katie" will be brought up to the stage
it was terrible when the stream had 5 or 6k in chat
if your autocorrect selects shit before shut, you might say shit too much ๐
uh oh, he said blacks have horrible education instead of blacks have horrible education opportunities, MSM gonna have a field day with that one
it will
i feel it in my bones
hollywood pedos and silicon valley yuppies against the rest of state this time
cali is realizing that they dont have to love 45, they just need someone to fix the bullshit, this country has never had a pres that "does" stuff like he has
6ยฝ more years to fix stuff
i bet the national debt clock runs counterclockwise before 2nd term starts
trump understands FIAT money and the gold standard very well
yes evilanne, that will be a huge part of it
nope, think they confiscated all Q posters or homeade posters upon entry
ive seen 1 lock her up
just hope technology keeps up with coalminers
๐ฉ ๐ฏ ๐น
4โฃ 5โฃ
oh yeah, no space
hah Lambdaev
It makes sense tho. In counties that backed HRC, there is an overwhelming number of jobless immigrants and lazyass millenials. Now that DJT is in office, the free handouts are gone and they've had to get real jobs to support themselves. Makes sense to me!
Nunes at the museum again, wonder why he keeps doing interviews from there?
the World Ag Expo is closed at 5pm during the week, i have a theory...
ya know, if Q is a larp, we're f'd (dunno why that struck me so hard)
Made me smile already.
Kinda feel bad for smiling, but it's still kinda funny.
Is 24x7 down?
B52 was started in 1952, 1+9+5+2....
Check out @XAnon_777โs Tweet: https://twitter.com/XAnon_777/status/1047725076060262400?s=09
Check out @XAnon_777โs Tweet: https://twitter.com/XAnon_777/status/1047726758701780992?s=09
VOAT is up for me
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