Message from @loveamerica1425

Discord ID: 475723350027665409

2018-08-05 17:47:12 UTC  


2018-08-05 17:47:44 UTC  

what is going on

2018-08-05 17:47:46 UTC  


2018-08-05 17:47:46 UTC  

@UrbanPatriot I have no problem with eliminating interest on the debt, retroactively. But the message it could send about personal responsibility could back fire bigly.

2018-08-05 17:47:48 UTC  

#1817 time stamp decode, #156 The hunter becomes the hunted.
Operations underway.
Operators active.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Silent war (some gets out).
The Great Awakening.
Iron Eagle.
Godfather III.
The Hunt for Red October.

2018-08-05 17:47:58 UTC  

Today I just noticed something really amazing on mainstream media. They are in advertently teaching people how to differentiate between someone's words and actions. They're doing this by pointing at Trump making false claims about what they expect to occur, and then the outcome is almost always known what they say is going to be. By doing all of this, you're actually teaching their followers to question their own political allies and by doing sothey are revealing how their own support candidates are not acting the same as their words.

2018-08-05 17:48:38 UTC  

It's a charge in a court of law that is generated from Grand Juries, and DA'S

2018-08-05 17:49:26 UTC  


2018-08-05 17:49:37 UTC  

Well it means a trial

2018-08-05 17:50:01 UTC  

@MrT thats also an excellent solution. Trump has mentioned the government should not be making money off these loans. Eliminating the debt would take many many years off of current loans. I just wish Trump would run on that for the mid-terms. Theses student protesters would go home.

2018-08-05 17:50:43 UTC  

@loveamerica1425 whats a #debtjubilee?

2018-08-05 17:51:26 UTC  

maybe i spelled it wrong but it is forgiveness of all debt

2018-08-05 17:51:33 UTC  

Agree 👍

2018-08-05 17:51:37 UTC  

No. Those FEMA camps are not meant to keep people in.

2018-08-05 17:51:56 UTC  

They are meant to protect a large vulnerable population

2018-08-05 17:53:11 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu yea, like the fake media when the SHTF?

2018-08-05 17:53:23 UTC  

I spend a lot of time on twitter and the libtards are mostly students and people in academia. We should hit that somehow. @MrT @loveamerica1425

2018-08-05 17:54:04 UTC  

@Raging Ketteh any videos i have ever seen the barb wires spikes were point in to keep people in. not one have i seen the

2018-08-05 17:54:18 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu The fences of the FEMA camps have the barbed wire at the top leaning towards the inside, not the outside. Inside keep people in. Outside keep people out.

2018-08-05 17:54:45 UTC  

that had the barb wires point out

2018-08-05 17:55:09 UTC  

@MrT they aren't set up that way. They are designed to provide shelter, food and water. And provide access to healthcare/food and communications.

2018-08-05 17:55:40 UTC  

@loveamerica1425 That is not what I have seen. Maybe some are in and some of the bared wire is facing out.

2018-08-05 17:56:11 UTC

2018-08-05 17:56:21 UTC  

@Sara the FEMA camps are mobile. Not stationary and pre set up. Many are unpacked and repacked on military bases.

2018-08-05 17:56:46 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu Interesting.

2018-08-05 17:57:06 UTC  

MrT please you dont keep people hostage and help them with food and water and have no way for thaem to get out, that barb wire is kept inside so you dont get out

2018-08-05 17:57:26 UTC  

Teams across the country, largely filled with military vets. Groups like Team Rubicon work with them too.

2018-08-05 17:57:59 UTC  

I think those fema camps were part of the 16 year plan. The WWIII part....

2018-08-05 17:57:59 UTC  

So Hillary plays the black card AND the KKK card...

2018-08-05 17:58:07 UTC  


2018-08-05 17:58:20 UTC  

But LeBron is tied in with the Schumers

2018-08-05 17:59:16 UTC  

@Sara I can see why people think that, but it comes from out total lack of readiness and disasters like katrina

2018-08-05 18:00:48 UTC  

real nice hands right?

2018-08-05 18:01:34 UTC  

#1818 ref #1332 Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.📁
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.

2018-08-05 18:01:47 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu exactly, that’s why we have participated in SERT training, prepped, organized our community and made contacts with other like minded Patriots ie Oath n Rubicon...

2018-08-05 18:01:48 UTC  

@Sparks2591 Now your getting it❗

2018-08-05 18:01:48 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu They used stadiums for hurricane victims; not fema camps. Too many fema camps for hurricanes.

2018-08-05 18:01:53 UTC