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2018-07-06 20:31:39 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Can I listen to the channel in Discord or only watch on Youtube?

Where is a good place to find news trends? I usually check Google Trends but this morning they are reporting that IHOP's $.60 pancakes are the top story. Twitter is still going nuts over Trump and his "Treason".

2018-08-04 13:26:53 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

How to get in on the call in show? I have been posting links for a little while but still a newbie?

Trump and his son Baron are time travelers - https://archive.org/details/TravelsandAdventuresFirst100

@WeeOne It's an executive order that should be easily reversed. Except that judges from out of nowhere start telling the executive branch how what's up. These judges should be arrested for treason.

@MrT @WeeOne Hopefully those judges are on the list of sealed indictments!

Tyler has a new video. I wonder whats going on off the coast of Southern California where we have a lot of military bases. - https://youtu.be/ydBcV26FeVw

What is on the agenda for today? I just saw the town hall pop up at 1pm. What shows are on the 24/7 livestream? Is there a list of the POTUS rallies that will be covered?

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening everyone, wherever you are!๐Ÿ˜ƒ

if Trump did something about the Student Loan crisis before the mid-terms he could break the back of the democratic party once and for all! He could easily do an across the board 50% reduction on loans that are current, 10% on those that are not. All these college kids with debt are out protesting. Give them a reason to vote Trump! - https://www.studentdebtrelief.us/student-loan-forgiveness/trump/

Yes, the Student Loan crisis is the key to winning these mid-terms. This would send shockwaves through the educational system which is indoctrinating the kids today. Gotta push this story.

@MrT Following the art of the deal here. How to break the back of the democratic party by eliminating part of students debt. This would break the democratic party.

@MrT thats also an excellent solution. Trump has mentioned the government should not be making money off these loans. Eliminating the debt would take many many years off of current loans. I just wish Trump would run on that for the mid-terms. Theses student protesters would go home.

@loveamerica1425 whats a #debtjubilee?

I spend a lot of time on twitter and the libtards are mostly students and people in academia. We should hit that somehow. @MrT @loveamerica1425

@No Regerts Good Morning!!! Coffee & Patriots Soapbox is the secret! ๐Ÿ˜‰

@yeety I just missed that part on youtube. What is this symbol for on the Oreo?

Laura Loomer taking a tour of Little Mogadishu in Michigan by a walkaway democrat - https://www.pscp.tv/w/1djxXnvPgEkGZ

They are now going to a local mall - https://www.pscp.tv/w/1djxXnvPgEkGZ#

The whole picture....


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