
Discord ID: 427526217156132864

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2018-07-04 14:18:21 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

Is there anyway to listen to the live stream while in discord? I am on an iPad

2018-07-04 14:19:15 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #help-desk]  

I also want help finding feisty's corner

I just created A Feisty Cat playlist from Black Mirrors video clips. If you want to help anyone who wants to get edQuated, this is a perfect way to help them in their busy lives, get Qlued In.

If you agree please share this idea far and wide
We have been trained. We have been learning. And now I think we can confidently say that we all are part of the Q team. Or maybe we should say Q militia. We are an independent intelligence gathering anonymous collective. We are 100% dedicated and will continue to develop and help enlighten the masses.
We fight for Liberty World Wide armed with the Swords of Truth !!!

Time we take back symbols.... just made this new meme

Today I just noticed something really amazing on mainstream media. They are in advertently teaching people how to differentiate between someone's words and actions. They're doing this by pointing at Trump making false claims about what they expect to occur, and then the outcome is almost always known what they say is going to be. By doing all of this, you're actually teaching their followers to question their own political allies and by doing sothey are revealing how their own support candidates are not acting the same as their words.

Best Trump Tweet theatrical reading yet by Randy Quaid

Here is a list of CIA assets running as Democrats for congress.
Share it so it can go viral!

@silowetr A few days ago I was Perusing the Discord news, saw a picture of a Eliah, knew absolutely nothing about him, ended up staring at him for about five minutes.
Then last night I had fallen asleep, with the broadcast playing, woke up to hear him talking and it blew me away. I instantly found him on YouTube, subscribed, found him in the posts on discord. Went to his website, and sent him a very vital message regarding a man who is a real patriot then got ran out of America and is now stranded in New Zealand because he was one of very few people in the world who understand these high-level international finance instruments. I If anyone could verify and assist Eliah, it would be this man. He was hired by the CIA to deal with some very old multibillion dollar instruments this was in the 90s and once he realized that these were to be used secretly for nefarious purposes, he started blowing the whistle loudly.

His name is Herman Wilfred. Website is , email [email protected]
I didn't get a response from Eliah, so please make sure he gets this!

Glad to know i am not the only person frustrated with this Report For The President countdoen which keeps resetting

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