Message from @JonJon
Discord ID: 476890300556509196
am i still alive she said
Blue Sugar
affected by heat
the 'left handed sugar'
pot, heroin, lsd, hash.....gonna legalize it all?
gotta catch'em all
There will still be crime. Addicts can't work and need they rob to get what they want.
saccharine is making a comeback
like asbestos
sweet and low like 40 years old at least
I remember the first TAB... GROSS!
omg nasty
You have gained a rank @moeanon, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
I'd rather have to run off an RC cola
haha i havent sepnt much time in here
i like it
I smoke a shit load of weed it has kept me from snatching up a soft ass pussy made antifas and breaking their spine in two
Jury nullification is what it is and Texans do it all the time.
Look at the end of the link. What does it say? "...SOURCES SAY." Give us the sauce! Anyone can just site anonymous sources. This article is worthless without names.
Interesting .