Message from @moeanon
Discord ID: 477287454261510168
i lurk
@Orion91 Right!
lol not going to come in and take over the convo lol
I like to lurk. I learn more that way
well i feel more comfortable typing alot of times too
i see Q has been posting
@moeanon I usually lurk....very rarely come on!! Was on earlier today and just now....most of the time just listen!!!
@Deleted User what a weird ass looking bitch
You have gained a rank @moeanon, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Feinstein is dirty
@The Patriot dirty diane
today the slowest news day in a long time no?
I'm Rollin one up who want to blaze ???
Excuse my French but, Piss on the 17 DemoRATS 💩
The references to B-52s???
Holy crap man! @Deleted User
Love it @trusty rusty ✌