Message from @Bats_on_Guard
Discord ID: 477286954103341067
@Orion91 I work too much... I had a deadline and another co-worker to help out so yeah... Anyway, I LOVE DEADPOOL!!!!!
@Lyonnaise de Dieu Welcome home time to catch up.
first half
about the plan to take down trump from the london meeting to glen simpson and that fake dosier all kinds of things he usally keeps quite about
trance formation
hi there
i lurk
@Orion91 Right!
lol not going to come in and take over the convo lol
I like to lurk. I learn more that way
well i feel more comfortable typing alot of times too
i see Q has been posting
@moeanon I usually lurk....very rarely come on!! Was on earlier today and just now....most of the time just listen!!!
@Deleted User what a weird ass looking bitch
You have gained a rank @moeanon, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
lol thats good cause i got to lvl 6 twice yesterday for some reason
Feinstein is dirty
@The Patriot dirty diane
today the slowest news day in a long time no?