Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 482987969012039700

2018-08-25 18:51:30 UTC  

I saw this was the Earth's vibration?

2018-08-25 18:52:59 UTC  


2018-08-25 18:53:33 UTC

2018-08-25 18:54:13 UTC

2018-08-25 18:58:22 UTC

2018-08-25 19:00:53 UTC  


2018-08-25 19:01:45 UTC

2018-08-25 19:04:35 UTC  


2018-08-25 19:05:40 UTC  

Send all Refugees directly to George Soros' Home and some to Angela Merkel's' Home also.

2018-08-25 19:05:54 UTC  

@wackybigd#3229 I am an independent (politically speaking), whom is annoyed at lies by news media over several years. I used to be a huge news reader for over 30 years taking in different perspectives. I was big into politics from all backgrounds from a neutral point of view and over the last 10 years, I stop buying newspapers like I used to. I buy with the odd exception a local paper or certain news story because of certain events. I know more about politics and deep into history, than all the people around me, whom seem to have a news memory of gold fish. They are all worship the news media and follow like sheep mentality.
Over the last two years , I have turned off radio that is hugely got negative and are full of themselves with shaming language, similiar to George W Bush with the statement "You are either with us or against us" after 911. I thought Bush was wrong then as the news media (Political left) are wrong today. I knew that he would be re-elected, and knew Obama would win in 2008, as I read the pulse of the people. I knew Trump would win the President nomination for the Republican party, but thought that Clinton would steal and rigged the election in her favour. I knew she had poor support as the numbers attending her rallies were poor.

Since over one year of President Trump, I do believe that never Trump'ers are warming to him like they were never Reagan's warmed to President Reagan. People do not believe me that Trump and Reagan are the most political left Republican presidents when they were elected. Both Rinos and Democrats hated both Presidents and the media attacked President Reagan, but Trump is attacked far more viciously in the media. If President Trump continues without getting into hot war.