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@B ั”โ„“โ„“ฮฑ veritร  Civil immunity from prosecution does not protect from military trails and charges.

@Nightring "Both" would not surprised me, especially the need for trolling bit. ๐Ÿ˜

@Tina Elkins That Obama video was edited. It was a spee h to the EU Member states in Brussels Sending false video to fool people is a dirty trick to lay a trap.

@gavin giant Article 13 EU vote was about forcing a public/private EU parliament debate, not about passing the bill. It is still there until September, where a public debate about it. The fight is not over

@Dina I get a security rules error on your last link. Fosters own website gives the. error.

2018-07-17 17:02:48 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

@American Woman Vincent Fusca. If you look at The Latin root of the name version of the words and translate it back comes up with two versions. 1/. Overcoming Shadows 2/. Conquering Darkness.

@Rick_war911317 Q needs a vacation before the lock them up phase. Follow Trump tweets instead.

@Kiwi61Karma Maybe they were correct with the "emergencies " part , depending on what you call emergencies. President Trump has been confiscating their property and rescuing kids, and sex slaves. This is their idea of emergency resupply.

@Smiley The problem is for Maxine is that her god is Satan.

UN is running out of money again. Guterres said "they never faced such a difficult cash flow situation this early in the Calendar year"

US pays 25% to the UN Budget and this does not includes peacekeeping and some humanitarian appeals. Trump is looking to cut US Contributions to the curropt UN institution.

Ruth Based Ginsburg says she will *cough sleep for 5 more years in the Supreme Court.

@RadixVerum Whick Pope? The retired one or sitting pope.

@RadixVerum I have a bad feeling about the sitting pope.

@wackybigd#3229 I am an independent (politically speaking), whom is annoyed at lies by news media over several years. I used to be a huge news reader for over 30 years taking in different perspectives. I was big into politics from all backgrounds from a neutral point of view and over the last 10 years, I stop buying newspapers like I used to. I buy with the odd exception a local paper or certain news story because of certain events. I know more about politics and deep into history, than all the people around me, whom seem to have a news memory of gold fish. They are all worship the news media and follow like sheep mentality.
Over the last two years , I have turned off radio that is hugely got negative and are full of themselves with shaming language, similiar to George W Bush with the statement "You are either with us or against us" after 911. I thought Bush was wrong then as the news media (Political left) are wrong today. I knew that he would be re-elected, and knew Obama would win in 2008, as I read the pulse of the people. I knew Trump would win the President nomination for the Republican party, but thought that Clinton would steal and rigged the election in her favour. I knew she had poor support as the numbers attending her rallies were poor.

Since over one year of President Trump, I do believe that never Trump'ers are warming to him like they were never Reagan's warmed to President Reagan. People do not believe me that Trump and Reagan are the most political left Republican presidents when they were elected. Both Rinos and Democrats hated both Presidents and the media attacked President Reagan, but Trump is attacked far more viciously in the media. If President Trump continues without getting into hot war.

@SPQR I cannot find that alledge Donald Trump tweet on Twitter. I think you have been duped.

@ladymolly51 See Tracy Beanz analysis of the interview. She does research into this stuff and the So called Trump collusion.

@tattered flag read your Arabic attempt back wards as Arabs read. "Self you f#$k go"

@Texas Nick wear a Shirt over the Q t shirt.

2018-10-04 18:07:52 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

The Democracts are desperate to look for scapegoats that they are willing to sell out their old paymasters, the Saudis. I bet they will sell out George Soros next.

2018-10-29 11:04:43 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

@HereComesTheSunny I remember that too. President Trump as he entered pointed briefly to a VIP Member with Q on his shirt. The VIP man said a member of Trump Team photograph him before Trump came out. I presumed that the staff, is getting a number of people for Trump to identify before hand so Trump movements is stage.
Bill Clinton did this all of the time and smiled and waved like he is pointing to his best friend, but without the staff beforehand identify anyone in particular., just a general area. President Trump is particularly pointing to a predetermined person as he comes out.

2018-11-12 20:14:31 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Did the last Q post get removed from the 8chan board?

2018-11-12 20:15:06 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

I tend to lurk more than post.

2018-11-12 20:17:07 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

But the today post was gone within the time it took my app to notify me.

2018-11-12 20:19:30 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Ok, thanks for the info. I though the app could be compromised.

2018-11-12 20:22:05 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

I never knew 8chan can hide or shadowban posts.

2018-11-12 20:23:12 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Hide threads, yes, but posts? The posts thing is new.

2018-11-12 20:24:14 UTC [Turtle Hermit School #q-general]  

Ok , thanks

The UK minister lied. The hard BREXIT come when time is up, as they offically triggered the article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union on March 2017.
Withdrawal from the European Unionย is the legal and political process whereby anย EU member state ceases to be a member of the Union. Underย Article 50ย of theย Treaty on European Unionย (TEU), "Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements".
No member state has as of yet withdrawn from the EU (or theย EC); however, the Government of theย United Kingdomย  has triggered Article 50 to begin the UK's withdrawal from the EUย in March 2017 following a referendum, and the withdrawal is scheduled to occur on 29 March 2019.


2018-12-17 19:41:21 UTC [Meme Warfare #fisa]  

FISA Based on Steele false Document. UK Court exposed Clinton connection.

@Sarcastic Q Patriot ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Make sure the ones whom set this gofundme is genuine otherwise scammers could be running this campaign., mocking those whom want the wall.

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