Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 484487225774440488

2018-08-29 22:17:23 UTC

2018-08-29 22:17:33 UTC

2018-08-29 22:17:40 UTC  

McCain's who family was mean to the Palins.

2018-08-29 22:17:47 UTC

2018-08-29 22:17:51 UTC  

@Carl just googling for soemthign liek "john pul 2 funeral"

2018-08-29 22:17:54 UTC  

unless Megahn is a great actress, (not saying she isnt) she was distraught at the capital. i say he may just truly be dead

2018-08-29 22:18:01 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:09 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:16 UTC  

@Mike445 love to re-read post 570

2018-08-29 22:18:17 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:17 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:26 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:48 UTC  

@JonJon But not relevant to other people without context, sources, etc.

2018-08-29 22:18:48 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Carl, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-29 22:18:50 UTC

2018-08-29 22:18:52 UTC  

REVEALED: FBI Hero John Robertson Discovered Hillary Clinton Emails on Computer During Child Sex Investigation

2018-08-29 22:18:55 UTC  

California legislators on Wednesday passed a bill that requires major companies based in the state to put female directors on their boards.

If the bill is signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, publicly traded companies based in the state will need to have at least one woman on their boards by the end of next year and, on boards of five or more directors, two or three women by the end of 2021, depending on the board’s size. Those that don’t would face financial penalties.

2018-08-29 22:19:14 UTC

2018-08-29 22:19:15 UTC  

@Carl huh?? not following

2018-08-29 22:19:41 UTC

2018-08-29 22:19:47 UTC  

I feel sorry for Palin....McCain played her for a fool....

2018-08-29 22:20:09 UTC

2018-08-29 22:20:15 UTC

2018-08-29 22:20:24 UTC

2018-08-29 22:20:36 UTC  

A measure that would make California the first state to require all public universities to offer abortion medication at their campus health centers cleared a hurdle Wednesday.

None of the 34 University of California or California State University campuses currently offer abortion services. The California Assembly approved the measure, which returns to the Senate for a final sign-off.

Private donors have agreed to pay millions of dollars in startup costs including ultrasound machines, staff training and the creation of a 24-hour hotline for questions and emergency referrals. Universities would be required to offer the service by 2022.

Medication that instigates an abortion can be administered up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy. One medication is administered in the clinic and a patient is given a second drug to take later at home.

The medications induce bleeding similar to a miscarriage, according to legislative records.

2018-08-29 22:21:02 UTC  


2018-08-29 22:21:40 UTC

2018-08-29 22:21:51 UTC

2018-08-29 22:22:05 UTC  

SCR-110, formally condemns unnecessary surgery on intersex babies that is often performed by doctors to “correct” the child’s genitals. The resolution defines intersex people as “individuals born with variations in their physical sex characteristics” and who “may present with differences in genital anatomy, internal reproductive structures, chromosomes, or hormonal variations.”

The resolution was introduced by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D) and co-sponsored by social justice organizations interACT and Equality California.

“Our resolution (#SCR110) urging the medical profession to delay medically unnecessary genital surgeries on #intersex babies has now fully passed the CA Legislature,” Wiener tweeted on Tuesday. “This is the first time a state has gone on record supporting the intersex community & opposing these surgeries.”

Intersex individuals, who account for 1 to 2 percent of the population, often present with ambiguous genitalia that don’t fall perfectly into the cisgender male and female categories. This atypical anatomy can present as a larger-than-normal clitoris, lacking a vaginal opening or a scrotum that is divided, making it look more like labia.

2018-08-29 22:22:21 UTC  

Classic Movie Jon.

2018-08-29 22:22:27 UTC

2018-08-29 22:22:47 UTC

2018-08-29 22:22:49 UTC  

You have gained a rank @No Regerts, you just advanced to 24 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-29 22:23:02 UTC