Message from @stefanon

Discord ID: 485251279720022017

2018-09-01 00:49:37 UTC  

Dems thank Ohr for service the impugn him - 2 recesses within 1st 20 mins to calm them down

- One hearing member mumbles into hot mic "no one survives from this"

- Ohr confirms Comey travelled to UK with 2 WH officials

- Bruce Ohr confirmed that IG and Huber have had several interviews, separate from his wife

- Ohr said Priestap threw Strzok under the bus by working with higher ups & unnamed 3rd agency

- Ohr says Steele mentioned speaking directly on phone to NoName - Dems yell stop!

- Ohr ganging up on Comey rather than McCabe - interesting

2018-09-01 00:49:51 UTC  

Lynch gets briefly named - another recess immediately called

- Ohr asks rhetorical question if Trump committed Treason which he then answers no - several Dems flip out

- Ohr says he's had dinner with Mueller several times. Discussed Trump once briefly

- Closed sessions more forthcoming than open - Comey is a different person. Will leave it at that.

- Ohr alludes to one of the FISA judges being in on it. Not named though.

- Everybody was paid including his wife, Ohr said. SMH damn.

- Ohr says regrets being led by Steele -he got played - Ohrs bosses encouraged the relationship

- CongressAnon says he/she actually doesn't work for Congress but a diff branch

2018-09-01 00:50:08 UTC  

- GOP asks unrelated questions - possibly setting up future trap

- Yates named!!! - she's royally screwed - Flynn should be happy

- CongressAnon debunks twitter reports that Ohr can't recall Halper - says he mentioned him 3 times re: contract work

- Ohr says GPS servers handed over to WH (does not answer any follow-ups re: Fusion GPS? or which WH admin?)

- UK/AU heavily involved. Not officially sanctioned

- Ohr basically admits they intentionally omitted important info in Trump PDBs

- CongressAnon debunks press claims that no Dems have attended hearing

- [RR] named!!! Finally.

- People question CongressAnon's ability to phone blog the hearing - he/she says no phone rule never enforced

- Bad day for Dems - they look dejected

- It's a rap - Ohr sure did name a lot of people today

- Page and Ohr contradicted each other in key ways - looks like Page needs to come back

- Liberal news will claim Ohr had poor memory. That's how bad the spin will be. (subsequently proven correct)


2018-09-01 00:51:56 UTC  

πŸ” Calif. Dem Party Boss Goes Nuts, Demands Boycott of In-N-Out Burgers for Donation to State GOP πŸ” August 31, 2018

2018-09-01 00:55:09 UTC  

πŸ’₯ Obama-era DACA program likely illegal: Judge πŸ’₯ Friday, August 31, 2018 πŸ‘‰ Ruling still allows Dreamers protections, as courts sort out legal mess πŸ‘ˆ

2018-09-01 01:00:42 UTC  

✈ Welcome to Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight SV727 from Islamabad to Jeddah. Please fasten your seatbelt and relax for an enjoyable journey. ✈ 😷 Can you imagine the smell on this flight? 😷

2018-09-01 01:04:15 UTC  

Over 700 followers lost on twitter since beginning of year and being shadow banned, Being shadow banned is kind of nice, at least no one is trying to start arguments with me now.

2018-09-01 01:06:27 UTC  

πŸ™„ β€˜Not very bright’: Don Lemon goes low, takes personal jab at Kanye when he doubles down on Trump support πŸ™„ August 31, 2018

2018-09-01 01:11:47 UTC  

✳ Hannity panel explodes over news Mueller’s right-hand man was in on Russia β€˜hoax’: This should kill the probe ✳ August 31, 2018

2018-09-01 01:13:44 UTC  

Spiritual Awakening
You are like a puzzle piece, unique, you only fit correctly into one place in the whole puzzle. Now, even though you are unique, you can be close enough to other pieces that you can be misplaced in the puzzle without knowing you are misplaced.

You only know that something is not quite right where you are. Causal looks will not reveal the fact that you are out of place, it will take close examination to see and realize that you are in the wrong place. Worse yet, if you are out of place, then another is also out of place. Only when the puzzle is fitted together in the correct way can the real beauty of it be seen and realized.

Life is like this puzzle, we each are unique and fit into the puzzle of life in only one place correctly. Only when our lives are positioned into the right place within the puzzle of life can we begin to see and realize the beauty of what our Creator has did with life.

Even with the constant change going on in this puzzle of life, we will always fit into only one correct place. The difference will be the tasks required of us, from day to day. The task that we are required to do, will build connections, connections will help others find their place in the puzzle of life. As more connections are made and more people find their place within the puzzle, the beauty will be easier seen and realized.

I believe, the fastest way to find your place in this puzzle we call life, is by:
Walking in the Light of our Creator, Sharing the Love of our Creator through our actions, and by living in the life of our Creator Through the the Spirit of knowing (Once you know it, it is no longer Faith).

2018-09-01 01:13:48 UTC

2018-09-01 01:15:52 UTC  

πŸ‘‰ A meticulous legal mind: Democrats' hunt for dirt on Kavanaugh backfires πŸ‘ˆ Focus shifts to documents from his time in Bush White House ahead of start of Senate confirmation hearings

2018-09-01 01:31:03 UTC

2018-09-01 01:39:19 UTC  

I wish I had an in-n-out near me...I keep seeing pictures of the food I'm craving it and I've never had it.

2018-09-01 01:48:17 UTC

2018-09-01 01:48:39 UTC  

my tweet to hilldabeast ^