Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 485247893037514753

2018-09-01 00:33:57 UTC  

📈 Study: Google Pushes Liberal News in Top 5 Search Suggestions 📈 August 31, 2018 10:06 AM EDT

2018-09-01 00:34:11 UTC  

This Video Investigation into spying on transatlatic cables Bude UK ect.

2018-09-01 00:35:28 UTC

2018-09-01 00:35:50 UTC

2018-09-01 00:38:53 UTC  

🤔 Facebook slaps administrator of conservative page with two-day ban, but unable to explain exactly why 🤔 August 31, 2018

2018-09-01 00:49:37 UTC  

Dems thank Ohr for service the impugn him - 2 recesses within 1st 20 mins to calm them down

- One hearing member mumbles into hot mic "no one survives from this"

- Ohr confirms Comey travelled to UK with 2 WH officials

- Bruce Ohr confirmed that IG and Huber have had several interviews, separate from his wife

- Ohr said Priestap threw Strzok under the bus by working with higher ups & unnamed 3rd agency

- Ohr says Steele mentioned speaking directly on phone to NoName - Dems yell stop!

- Ohr ganging up on Comey rather than McCabe - interesting

2018-09-01 00:49:51 UTC  

Lynch gets briefly named - another recess immediately called

- Ohr asks rhetorical question if Trump committed Treason which he then answers no - several Dems flip out

- Ohr says he's had dinner with Mueller several times. Discussed Trump once briefly

- Closed sessions more forthcoming than open - Comey is a different person. Will leave it at that.

- Ohr alludes to one of the FISA judges being in on it. Not named though.

- Everybody was paid including his wife, Ohr said. SMH damn.

- Ohr says regrets being led by Steele -he got played - Ohrs bosses encouraged the relationship

- CongressAnon says he/she actually doesn't work for Congress but a diff branch

2018-09-01 00:50:08 UTC  

- GOP asks unrelated questions - possibly setting up future trap

- Yates named!!! - she's royally screwed - Flynn should be happy

- CongressAnon debunks twitter reports that Ohr can't recall Halper - says he mentioned him 3 times re: contract work

- Ohr says GPS servers handed over to WH (does not answer any follow-ups re: Fusion GPS? or which WH admin?)

- UK/AU heavily involved. Not officially sanctioned

- Ohr basically admits they intentionally omitted important info in Trump PDBs

- CongressAnon debunks press claims that no Dems have attended hearing

- [RR] named!!! Finally.

- People question CongressAnon's ability to phone blog the hearing - he/she says no phone rule never enforced

- Bad day for Dems - they look dejected

- It's a rap - Ohr sure did name a lot of people today

- Page and Ohr contradicted each other in key ways - looks like Page needs to come back

- Liberal news will claim Ohr had poor memory. That's how bad the spin will be. (subsequently proven correct)


2018-09-01 00:51:56 UTC  

🍔 Calif. Dem Party Boss Goes Nuts, Demands Boycott of In-N-Out Burgers for Donation to State GOP 🍔 August 31, 2018

2018-09-01 00:55:09 UTC  

💥 Obama-era DACA program likely illegal: Judge 💥 Friday, August 31, 2018 👉 Ruling still allows Dreamers protections, as courts sort out legal mess 👈