Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 491264862761254913

2018-09-17 14:57:19 UTC
New York – Time Magazine Sold for $190M To Salesforce Billionaire Marc Benioff
by JewishNews-DavidTweet Share Share

New York – Time Magazine is being sold by Meredith Corp. to Marc Benioff, a co-founder of Salesforce, and his wife.

2018-09-17 15:03:32 UTC  
2018-09-17 15:06:45 UTC  

The Sun already featured one good-sized coronal hole, when another larger coronal hole began to emerge and intensify (Sept. 4-6, 2018). Coronal holes appear dark in extreme ultraviolet light, as is shown here. They are magnetically open areas from which solar wind streams out into space, and can last from days to months. The brighter area between the two coronal holes is an active region where the level of magnetic activity is strong.

2018-09-17 15:11:38 UTC

2018-09-17 15:11:38 UTC  

You have gained a rank @129anon, you just advanced to 11 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-09-17 15:15:43 UTC

2018-09-17 15:16:35 UTC

2018-09-17 15:21:37 UTC