Message from @StoneCold316
Discord ID: 760229964623642635
how did nobody mention
Why can't a T-Rex clap?
Because it's extinct.
really, mark?
No audio channel?
Had the townhall today. Already finished
Sounding triggered in there!
Good point Srijan!!! I agree
Captain G. What's my obligation to believe them?
Malachi and JP agreeing on something. A miracle.
Although I would humbly propose this is how you come to establish laws based on ethics based on secular morality- no god required. 😉
No guns, no problems.
Since people can't be trusted to be reasonable.
There you go. No guns, no problem.
No life, no problem.
No wait. Pepper spray gun or CO2 gun. That's ok
No woman no cry?
Cause you got "arms" in the Constitution
You take arms from the police too. You let them have pepper spray guns and CO2 like the rest of population. No real bullet.
Like in Europe. Only special units counter terrorism can wear bullet and AK guns
everyone just gets an attack weasel
Taking real bullet guns away from Americans is like us Europeans working 50 hours a week. Cause we have 40 hours week. People will riot.
Everyone having guns is like decentralizing tyranny, so the Govt dosn't have to answer. Like: "You guys opress each other so we don't have to."
All force is usually a deterrent - you can control people much more effectively without bringing attention to yourself economically than by force 🙂
Yes Yes
But why is so many deterrents are needed? This happens when fear is so pervasive through society. And I think weapons heighten fear instead of diminishing it.